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EsThEr'S pAyGe!

My PaGe

Hey! Welcome to my page!~! ^^
I still gotta work on it but its aight~.

MaH 4-1-1~~
Name: AsK~
Age: YoU nEeD tO kNoW?
Likes: MONKEYZ!! (yea~)
DiSLiKes:AnNoYiNg PpL
FaV. tHiNg iN Da wOrLd..

ChUbBs tHe BuNnY~ AiN't GoNnA LoSe wEiGhT ;)

This is da best cousin in da world~ Esther~ lol

Mickey Cho~

When Sunshine Shone

The days when I walked the lands of freedom.
Dancing and singing in the open fields.
No cares or worries.
No need for walls or shields.
The days when the sunshine shone bright.
Feeling the warmth of it's rays.
The cool breeze that brushed my face.
Little did I know there would be end to these days.

The sun became dim,
The clouds reveled.
The sounds of wild beasts,
All of my breath gone and sealed.
Chains at my feet,
Sorrow in my eyes.
Whippings from a man.
Whom I most despise.

But soon my life will continue in peace.
Where I will be free.
In the heavens of God.
Where I will soon be.

Deticated to...i dunno

*EsThEr H.* Thx for helpin me out on my page^^. The also for...
takin me out to the movies (lots)...
tons of other things*

*EsThEr L.* Hey man! I miss u sooo much!
Sarah and jens say hi and tell vic i miss her too! ^_^

*JeNnY O.* Hellloooo~Thx for being such a good friend!
Especially when i needed a friend.

*SaRaH K.* Hey~~~~~ Wuddup?? haha ok well...ThX FoR being a great friend~
Thx for makin me laugh when i needed it^^

KeLsEy C. Hello~ wUSSUP?? hahahahahahahahaahahahahhahahaha
im okay.....................
best buds 4ever***** no matter wut

*AmAnDa M.* Hey man wussup? You were my VERY first best friend that was a girl ;)
Best buds 4eva aight??? peace~

*Lindsey T.* Hey~~~when we gonna have that sleepova man????? lol
well im still waiting for ur "phone call" j.k hahahaha gay...=P bye~~

ManY MorE~~~*


Thx for popin by! hope u liked it~
Be sure to bounce on bac soon cuz i ain't finished ;)

