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Diabloworld has really grown and we appreciate your support in helping keep it as a major Diablo presence on the net. If you are able to make a donation of any amount, it would be greatly appreciated. All donations go directly to covering the growing expenses of the server and bandwidth that keep Diabloworld alive. If you would like to make a donation right from your bank account through PayPal, send it to
Thank you for your support. You make Diabloworld the success that it is.
Diabloworld News
News from: 2002-12-26 19:40:29 by Morgalis

Chymedes donates 1 year of hosting!


please read

In the true spirit of giving, Chymedes dug into her pockets and sent us the money to cover until March and then will be making the payments until the end of the year.  And beyond that, she has offered to match donations for 2004 so that we can raise enough money to support diabloworld and keep it ad free!

Please read this thread and pass on your best wishes. 

Thank you Chymedes.. the community is a much nicer place because you are part of it.


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News from: 2002-12-26 17:31:07 by Morgalis



Some of us have been trapped behind a link in the timewarner connection to diabloworld.  While part of the country was on the forums, the rest of us wondered what you were talking about!

Everything appears to be back in working order and we're still getting things ready to move to the new server by the end of the month

JED 2.0

JED 2.0 Release date set for Wed Jan 8, 2003 12 PM PST.  Release thread with more information is in this thread

Server News

It's official!  Diabloworld has a home, and it needs your support.  Every dollar counts in making this move a success! is being set up give users FREE SIG HOSTING.  Read this thread for more information on how you can help.

Email from HELL!

Three failed attempts to mail the userbase has resulted in some users getting too many copies of our email, and most of you without a copy!!  Read here for all of the great news that the front page cannot cover.  I'm terribly sorry to those who recieved 3 copies >.<


Event schedule has been posted!!  All events, kicked off the the USWest LOD PVP Tourney on Jan 11, can be found in this thread

Donations for Events are once again being accepted.  As of Dec 26, reply in this thread to offer your donations to the prize pool.

Diabloworld Wallpaper Contest

Read the Official Thread on the upcoming Wallpaper Contest.  Are your skills good enough to make the backgroud that bears the signature diabloworld trademark?  Spend your time this holiday season revving up your creative juices and prepare for the upcoming competition.  All notable wallpapers will be kept for download.

D2HackIt .74 Released!

Follow the official thread to keep up to date on the most valuable tool that is used in supporting hacking programs.  Download files and source.

Maphack 4.7b

Mostly bug updates, follow the changes in the official thread.  Download from Diabloworld or from Mousepad.

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News from: 2002-12-22 09:56:45 by Morgalis


Our host Rackshack was a bit lame in responding to a router problem that kept traffic at a dead halt at the cognet connection.

Thanks to everyone for their patience and to Dymo for the liberal use of thumbscrews for getting us back online.

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News from: 2002-12-20 20:02:42 by Morgalis


NOTE: To those who doubt, this was received by Dec 20, 2002, from member Steve Rector who has first hand knowledge of the fact that Blizzard is officially cracking down and listing people who use certain hacks.

Is there something the was changed in 1.09 that restricts the joining of public games by individuals? I have friends that cannot join games (Unless there is a password) yet we can join games made by other people. Any Idea why that would be?
By the way really enjoy your site and have used a lot of the info posted. Keep up the great work. It's Very much appreciated.


Sunday Dec 8, 2002 Morgalis made the official decision to stop supporting files that will actively get your account hacklisted where you will no longer be able to join PUBLIC games - they will come up as game does not exist when you are told to join one.


JED 1.09 - Current Version [uses Pickit]
pickit.d2h - d2hackit module
grab.d2h - d2hackit module
Grabit - nuttzy99's grabbing program [also known as 2girlskissing]
mover.d2h - Current Version
tr.d2h - Current Version [Trainer]




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News from: 2002-12-20 19:52:30 by Morgalis

Maphack 4.7 out!

Added message when chickening out.
Fixed random treasureclass list init crash when entering game.
Allowed selection of players anywhere (for view inventory).
Added view inventory of iron golems, valkyries, shadow warriors/masters.

Thread with configuration is here.  Download directly from Diabloworld or from Mousepad

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News from: 2002-12-19 16:27:00 by Morgalis


Thanks to Abrustetha for setting it up and D_O_A for the many devoted hours of cutting and pasting to bring the Horadric Cube back to Diabloworld.

Click on the link and it will open up with information on just about everything D2 that you can imagine, and we are going to continue to develop it to encompass all of Diablo!

Please post anything that you find omitted or incorrect, or any suggestions for additions in this thread.

Be sure to give them KARMA for all of their hard work!

Enjoy the fabulous part of Diabloworld - and don't forget The Tome!

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News from: 2002-12-13 09:26:53 by Morgalis

Your input is needed!

Diabloworld is joining forces with Syberius and his upcoming Diablo II Trading Post that will become the new way of trading items!  Please visit this thread and help us develop this exciting new project.

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News from: 2002-12-09 00:31:49 by Morgalis


NEWS UPDATED SAT DEC 8, 2002 Official Update Thread

PLEASE read and participate

JED - Current Status Forum
Official Update Thread
Feedback Thread
Official Bitch Thread - hey.. everyone has to bitch!

Diabloworld is not responsible for any loss should you choose to ignore this warning.


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News from: 2002-12-06 12:44:10 by Morgalis


Blizzard's implementation of thier new anti-hacking software continuing to give some people a realm down for their money.  We have to keep laughing right? Something to do while you are tagged...

We've got up a fresh new thread to gather new evidence so that we can help stop the interruptions in normal game play!  Please get your input to us!

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News from: 2002-12-03 21:27:06 by Morgalis

State of the Server - Official Investigation

Due to continued attacks on the server, which result in slow loading pages or page not found, Dymo-dcc and Morgalis have stepped up actions to further investigate on an official basis. 

The server also host and and this has been affecting their business as well as Diabloworld. Please read this thread  for more information.

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 Diablo II Lord of Destruction: 12-27-2002 02:47 AM
  I wonder why people haven't seen this before i did

Several readers of the Blizzard Insider newsletter have suggested we may wish to share this tidbit with you.

Q: What's up with the Diablo II patch?

A: We are currently in test on the patch and hope to have it out before the next issue of the Insider is released. We are making a LOT of changes to the game in terms of skills, monsters, items, random area generation and even Ladders, so even though we are working on a patch, it requires that we re-test the entire game with the expansion. We know it has been a long wait, but we really think that our Diablo community is going to be thrilled with everything they'll be getting.

I found this at,114,

anduh... can someone tell me why they did not see this before???
Off Topic: 12-27-2002 02:43 AM
  Every year, most of the countries around the world celebrate the New Year. 2003, the year coming up, will be next one in line. As Americans, we celebrate January 1, as New Years Day.

For the Chinese, its Feburary 5, pronounced as "xin nian", all across the world, Chinese alike will be celebrating this faithful holiday. As a time for presents, and meeting up with family, the New Year will be a festive time.

Thus, bringing this point up, the Chinese adapted a 12 animal sign, to date the years as they pass on. The 12 animals all have a horoscopic sense, and the Chinese use these as to give everyone different stats and unique personalites. The list followed, shows all 12 animals, and the signs. These are all true.

The Year of the Rat:
(1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996)

People born in the Year of the Rat have a natural attraction to the opposite sex. They work hard for their goals, thrifty with their money, and are easily angered. They get along with people born in the Years of the Dragon, Monkey, and Ox

The Year of the Ox:
(1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997)

People born in this Year are patient, and speak little. But also, are easily angered and have fierce tempers. Also, they are alert at all times. Hate to fail, and sturbborn at times too. They get along with people born in the Years of the Snake, Rooster, and Rat.

The Year of the Tiger:
(1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998)

People in this year are sensitive, short-tempered, and have hasty decsion making skills. They are couragous and powerful, but very suspicious of others. They are good with the Horses, Dragons, and the Dog.

The Year of the Rabbit:
(1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999)

People in this year are talented, have excellent taste, and are trusted. Never losing their tempers, Rabbits have a nice nack for gossip. Rabbits also make bussiness people, due to their cleverness and intelligence. They are good with the Sheeps, Dogs and Pigs.

The Year of the Dragon:
(1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000)

The Year of the Dragon gives people energy, stubborness, and short tempers. But also give honesty, braveness, and soft-hearteness. They are good with Rats, Snakes, Monkeys, and Roosters.

The Year of the Snake:
(1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)

They possess great wisdom. But, they are vain, selfish, and have no problem with money. They are determinte always, and are good looking. Fickleness can overcome Snakes. They are good with Oxen, and Roosters.

The Year of the Horse:
(1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)

People born in this year are popular, cheerful and skilled with money. They are wise, talented, and good with their hands. Even though they are impatient, and not too good with the opposite sex, Horses are always doing their work. They are good with Tigers, Dogs, and Sheeps.

The Year of the Sheep:
(1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, [COLOR=red]2003[/COLOR] )

These people are motived in the arts. they are often shy, and devoted to religion. they tend to be bad in speech, but are confindent in their work. They are always ready to enjoy their life, no matter how or what it is. They are good with Rabbits, pigs and Horses.

The Year of the Monkey:
(1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

These people are clever and skillfull. They rush to do things, and may leave tasks undone. Good common sense leads to intelligence and knowledge with monkeys. good with Dragons and Rats.

The year of the Rooster
(1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

These are the deep thinkers. But have a diffcult time with relationships. they are loners, but are adventureous. Selfishness but bravery are good in the Rooster. They are good with Ox, Snake, Dragon.

The Year of the Dog
(1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

Loyality, and honesty are in these Dogs. but they are very stubborn and selfish. they can be distant from others, but are made to be good leaders. People born in the Years of the Horse, Tiger, and Rabbits are good with Dogs.

The Year of the Pig
(1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

they are known for their strength. they have lots of honesty and fortitue. They have little friends, but the friends they have, are their forever. they have big tempers, but anger little. kind with love ones to working out any problems, Pigs are very gallant and helpful. Always good with Rabbits and Sheeps.

This completes the list. I, being born in 1986, was born in the Year of the Tiger. What animal represents you? Good to hear, and list if its true or not. Me, being born in the year of the tiger, i have a pretty small temper, and i rush to do things too! Even though its a little early, Happy New Year to all! And Merry Christmas too all!
 Diablo II Lord of Destruction: 12-27-2002 02:23 AM
  ok first off, i know i'm retarded, so don't flame at me, PLEASE

i haven't been on diablo 2 for several weeks now, and i left my passwords on a little post-it note. my mom threw it out!! ya well that sucked. anywho, is there any way that blizz will recover it
Diablo II Lord of Destruction: 12-27-2002 02:18 AM
  Ok, today i was playing D2 Expansion right, like any other day, and out of nowhere, BAM! i get a rd .... no big deal, i get them all the time... i go to log in , and ALL my characters were gone... now this makes me very sad, because i lost the following:
2 occy rings
180mf ith sword
skulders ire
ist oculus
4 ist monarch
12 sojs
around 20 or so 7%mfsc
perfect .08 vamp gaze with a 40/15 jewel in it
2 plaugue masters
28 mara
unid shako
unid gf (that i found from pindle 2 nights before)
7% wf, clean no socket un id'd
shaft with a 40/13 jewel
Shadow necklace
zod rune
5 ist runes
3ohm rune
cham rune
89 sorc
95 hybrid ama
92 baba
and a couple mules with some stuff like, extra sojs and some jewels, runes etc...

now im back were i first started 2 years ago, and this angers me!

im not usually one to beg and plead, hell i usually give noob's items, nothing much but i do help out when i can...

im in my hour of need, if anyone has ANYTHING of use that i can use , it would be greatly appreciated and i would definetly pay whomever back, everything they gave me, and then some... i just need some MF stuff, or something worth sojs or something, so i can get some mf and get back on my feet... if you read the list of stuff i lost, u would know im not a nooby, and that i know what im doing, with the proper gear, ill find alot of stuff to pay you back... im desperate, please, anything will help, or, if you have nothing extra, could you let me do some mfing with you then? and let me get a few drops? that could help me out too... oh yeah, im on USWest , my account is lw-jakexxx

 Diablo II Lord of Destruction: 12-27-2002 02:16 AM
  lol today i sold my ist x 4 monarch and wanted to xfer the sojs to my mule. so i ask my friend that has been close with me since i started playing d2 and everything is normal. i give him the 22 sojs, come back with my mule, and he says "oh, my mom is calling, gotta go" so i wait. ..... and wait... and he takes me off his friend list and runs away. we've been friends for freakin 2 years! and he runs off with my riches... damn friends... i wish JED 2.0 was out now so i could make my sojs back... i just thought i would bitch about that a little... ahhhhh that feels better.
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