The Filipino __linx __pix __newz __me __home


Hi, I'm Amber and you have found my page. This is my world, and you have no idea. everytime you click Refresh, you take away my stress, and the song will restart, enjoy.

>Age:::... 15

>Birth:::... Sept/twenty7/nineteen88

>Hometown:::... Newnan G.A.

>Curr3nt Low.Kal at:::... Kingsland G.A.

>Niknayms:::... candy, baby bear, ambie

>Ethnik:::... white!

>Skule:::... home skool

>Graid:::... 10th

>boyfriend?:::... not yet?

>J.O.B. function:::... lookin for one, :(

>Current ride:::... hahaha


Sorry to disapoint yall, but there just isn't any news for now, when there is I'll be sure it gets here. Later!

Here are some pictures I have to show you.

...under construction...


porn(pop-up free)

online games

nice music

human beatbox

cool ass game

are u on acid?

Bob Marley