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On the inside looking out : The Libertarian in me

I was on a church choir trip when I came to the conclusion that I am a Libertarian. In fact it was a highly respected authority figure in the church that brought it to my attention. I know most of you sitting there right now reading this are thinking : What in God's name is a Libertarian? " The American Heritage Dictionary " explains it quite well. However,its definition is much longer.

Libertarianism : 1.) One who believes in freedom of action and thought. 2.) One who believes in free will.

Freedom and Liberty...those are terrific words arent they? America is one of the most free nations on earth. Whether you like this country or not,this is a fact. We do however have our problems and debates but this is life, remember? I think the definition of Liberty also should be in the definition of Libertarianism.I absolutely love the word Liberty.

"Liberty and Justice for all..."right? You decide, read the definition and see if we have full liberty or not.This also comes from "The American Heritage Dictionary".

liberty : 1.a) The condition of being free from restriction or control. b.) The right and power to act,believe,or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing. 2.) Freedom from unjust or undue governmental control.

Made your decision yet ? Of course we can't have complete freedom . This country would then be an anarchist filled society and that would lead to total and utter chaos. ( side-note : libertarianism is also a left wing political party I believe. )

My own definition of libertarianism :

libertarianism : I can do whatever I want to do with or in my life as long as it has no affect on you or your life.

This is where the libertarian vs. libertarian argument begins. What affects others lives and what doesnt ?

Now that you know a little bit about the subject of Libertarianism, soon to come on this page will be some common viewpoints of libertarians such as myself.