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If the contents of this page happen to leave you feeling slighted or if I step on some toes, *SMILE* a dyck! The 1st Amendment of the American Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion, speech, and the press, and grants the right to position for redress and to assemble peaceably. Along with the fact that I'm within the parameters BlackPlanet has set for its users, gives me the right to say what I please! Web pages (this one at least) gives the common man the opportunity to express their thoughts, moods, and or views on life. Some of what you may read could be my thoughts for the day OR it could be me venting, nevertheless, take it lightly. Come back another day and check me out again. However, if you are anally retentive, this page will only aggravate your condition; neither myself nor Blackplanet will hold responsibility for your aggravation or worsening of your condition :-). With that said...enjoy!  





--No one is immune to the trials and tribulations of life--


About Me.....








Potatoes/Tall-n-Thick Brothas/Silver Jewelry/Zora Neal Hurston

Fall in Louisiana/Heart 2 Hearts with my Grandma/Shopping/Make-Up

Perfumes--Angel by Thierry Mugler, Allure, & Issey Miyake/Laughing until I cry/Hearing my Dad laugh/Good Morning calls from my Mom/My English Bulldog/Music/My sisters *kisses 2 you*/Being Black/Bayous/Oak Trees/Bailey's Irish Cream/Kahlua/Being Loved



Moochers/Liars/Brotha's that don't pay child support or bytch about doing so/Baby Mama drama/Jealous azz Heffa's/Nosey mofo's/Ol Lyin azz gossips--if u gonna tell it, tell it RIGHT!/"Christian" folk that judge and condemn others--we all fall short of HIS glory...checkyasef/Scandalous Broads/Drunk Drivers/




I suffer from HIGH self-esteem...please respect my




Why am I on BP?

Ahhhh....habit? Ok ok ok....I've been on BP since RIGHT after it launched in Sept. 1999...and this isht is addictive...I log on to check my notes...peep out other folks...summa ya'll wrong AS HELL for the pics you post on here...anyway...I like being able to commune with other black folks...I've ran into some old friends from high school and college and rekindled some friendships with people that mean a lot to me. I've also met some cool NEW people...and OH LAWD have I met some NUTS?!?!? I use my piece of the planet to express myself and post pics...I'm a bit of a I can tell you I get sick of seeing personal ads on these pages...this ain't necessarily a dating site. That's why there's BP DATING!!!!--HINT:-p Common sense tells you that if there's a community of people that there will be romance...but daaaammmnnnn man give the isht a break use the free space to say something useful!



Beyonce Knowles reminds me of Tina Turner...all energized on stage...LEGS for days...blond hair...a flamboyant performer...I'm partial to (supporting) my Southern sista's...she ain't doing bad at all for a young sista from Houston! :-)




Things to Ponder....

Blonde hair & Blue eyes are overrated...I ain't racist...I'm just talking about black folks attempting to live up to white folks standards of beauty


Why does it seem that black folks get the least respect in this country...a country built by our sweat and blood...


Why did Halle have to disrobe and fukk a white man before she got an Oscar?


Why did Denzel have to be a thug and an azzhole to get his?


Why do some women act like having a man is a prize, when the man that they have is substandard?


Why do men become so upset when they get busted? Is getting busted NOT part of the game?


Why are so many black folks caught up in material things that they can't afford?


Anyone with hail damage should NOT be wearing a thong!


Why do some white people act like they can't understand what we (black folks) do to our hair?


CREOLE IS NOT A RACE it's a HERITAGE..of AFRICAN, FRENCH, SPANISH, & NATIVE AMERICAN...that means over 75% of Louisiana's BLACK folks are signifies HERITAGE not a RACE...and being yellow doesn't auto qualify yo azz!


Why do people from other states try to make fun of Southern accents? Every region has a dialect, patois in speech, and terms that its natives's been that way since the beginning of time!


What the hell were Kobe/OJ/Cosby/Jesse Jackson thinking about? Fella's the love of PUNANI will getcho azz EVERYTIME!!


Why black folks still fukkin without condoms?


Why put a square peg in a round hole?


Think inside and outside the box....just think about the dayum box!


IGNORANT is not a bad means to lack knowledge on a certain subject...Therefore IGNORANCE is the state/act of not knowing...educate one another...


When I walk my dog, white people come up to me that would normally not even say hello and will let my dog lick them in the mouth, but if my black azz were dying they wouldn't give me mouth to mouth. I know what my dog likes to eat (bugs, feces, lizards) when we're outside so I just smile and say nothing.


Why do women outrank men on BP at least 20 to 1?


Why do women make excuses for men when they don't live up to standard? You have no control over someone else's lack of character, morals, or control. Say he wasn't what he was cracked up to be and cut your losses.


Why do sista's (and some brotha's) act like ME being paralyzed is such a damning thing? When I was on Death's door I begged God to spare my life...I really didn't CARE that I was paralyzed...I am and was thankful for my LIFE...get out of the dark ages.


Why do folks think because I'm paralyzed it's okay to ask me personal questions?


Mental illness is really a disease.


Why do gay/straight people always think they can make someone go straight/gay?


It really does take a village to raise a child




"There are two things which you have complete authority, dominion, and control; your mind and your mouth"--Molefi Assante






 Me back in the day....