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Moses and Jesus were Muslims

Are Muslims Terrorists?

I don't know why people never try to inquire why wars are only taking place in Muslim Countries: Bosnia, Palestine, Iraq, Burma, Philippines, as well as the persecutions that the Muslims are exposed to everywhere in the world. Why is Turkey refused as a member of the NATO As well as a member of the European Union? Is it really because of Human rights? Why is Albany the poorest country in Europe? And why is the NATO still present while the Warsaw enemy is no longer performing? What justifies the NATO's subsistence? Communism is no longer a threat. So perhaps aliens are making their assault on our poor planet. Stupidity! All forces now are directed against Islam, everybody could smell that. Do you really think that Muslims represent a real danger for democracy in the world? You can infer that may be Islam has got some more sophisticated and powerful system of government which protects the weak and the poor against humiliation and modern slavery. It is because of this, I guess, that some leaders are working in the dark to burry its revival that they are sure it is for benefit of demeaned people and especially women. Do you think that Muslims are so bad? Are they really terrorists? I have been wondering why all this attack against Islam? If Muslims are terrorists, there are in the world now more than a billion terrorists. They are in every country and almost in every street. So why don't they start massacring people through blood-squads and organized gangs? It's stupid to think that Muslims are as such. This situation could be translated in terms of: "Give your dog a name and hang it" as the proverb goes. Actually Islam is the only hope for the maltreated people in this unjust world. That's why some people are doing their utmost to destroy its image as a religion of peace and tolerance. The name Muslim, itself, means (Peaceful and submitting to God). Islam is all the monotheist religions in one. It is the salvation for the wretched souls in the present hard time of "Might is right".

Islam is indirectly fought

Islam, I think, is the salvation for this world of injustice, discrimination, inequalities and exclusion. That's simply why Islam is fiercely fought everywhere and under almost any pretext. All Muslim countries, as everybody can easily notice, are military and politically immature countries. They cannot be offending because they lack the power and intention for that. Some politicians in western countries, on the other hand, are fighting Islam and accusing it of stupidity, aggression, lust and so on just to convince the non-Muslims of the asceticism of Islam for democratic-oriented countries. I admit that some "terrorist" groups use Islam as insignia. Still, I guess those groups are either following other religion than Islam because what they preach has nothing to do with the authentic Religion, or they are mercenaries paid by those who intend to dirty Islam's reputation and make people shun it. The problem is that the more Muslims are persecuted, the more non-Muslim people convert into Islam. Those politicians couldn't understand this phenomenon conversely it is easy to explain. Islam is factual and those so called "Islamist groups" do not interpret Islam correctly for a reason or another as we have previously stated. Most of those groups are surely astray. I should exclude those groups who make recourse to violence to defend their countries or to free themselves from occupation. Vietnamese were not Muslims; yet they used force against the aggressions of the Americans. Do you know why the so called Muslim countries are unable to defend Islam? It is merely because they are afraid to be pointed to as backward and violent although they have the right to protect their identity and integrity. Thank God, Muslims from other nations, other than Arabs, are growing and getting powers in their own countries to bar the road for the governments made of false leaders to act foolishly against the will of humanity. Those false leaders are gangs ruling and imposing their extremist points of view among which Islam being a religion of blood shed. Worse than that these ruling gangs use their people's money to make weapons to kill innocent souls and consequently make the other nations abhor them categorically. It is with the citizens' taxes imposed on them that weapons are made to kill, to escalate and to devastate the heritage of humanity. The people are partially responsible for they fabricate these false leaders or pseudo-leaders then applaud them; in return, they get dirty money. Some of these leader-puppets are working under other powers which are beyond politics and law 'games'. They only pay and dictate.

I eventually could declare that what is happening now is a barefaced conspiracy against Islam, this religion which is not forbidden for anyone on the surface of this planet. Its only condition is to say "there is no God but Allah and Mohamed is his prophet ". And then make efforts to improve one's faith through prayers, alms giving, fasting and doing the pilgrimage if possible. Do you hear by that that you should be a terrorist? I am getting more and more convinced that Islam has got an inner power which all the gangs and racists of the world fear. It surely contains something good for demeaned and poor persecuted people in the world. That's surely why Islam becomes big powers' target number one. They are determined to fight it anyhow, but in vain!! I start to get it clear now that Islam is the only left true version of Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism and all the other religions. In brief it is our last chance to get saved from Hell on Earth and in the Hereafter.

Common Mistakes

Islam is sometimes identified with Arabs. On the contrary, among Arabs, there are Muslims, Christians, Jews and even non-believers. Islam, on the other hand, is a religion for Man, in the universal sense of the word. Nowadays there are Muslims from all nations, nationalities and races. Through Islam they become brothers and sisters. The prophet (May peace be upon him) said that a Muslim mustn't cheat or hurt or betray another Muslim. Thus a Chinese Muslim is a brother for an American Muslim; and the two are brothers for a South African Muslim and son on until all the people of the planet live in true brotherhood, (not the one shakily made by the earthly law). If this unity happens one day, the big powers (which work in the dark to control everything) will surely collapse. No more wars, no more starvation, no more big or small thefts... In brief, There will be no more injustices.

All in all, ISLAM is the religion which gathers all the other religions. I understand that a Jew is only a Jew and a Christian is only a Christian whereas the Muslim is all these together. Therefore a true Muslim is more a Jew than the Jews themselves and more a Christian than the Christians themselves. The Muslim is at the same time Jew and Christian in their original copies. The Muslim believes in Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them all). Moses was God's messenger to the sons of Israel only to teach them God's commands. Jesus was sent for the same reason but after a while. i.e.: after the Israelites changed a lot in the scriptures. Jesus came then to correct what the people of Israel had spoiled and to remind them of the true religion of God. In the Holy Qur'an we read what Jesus said:
"And I have come to confirm the truth of whatever there still remains of the Torah, and to make lawful to you some of the things which (earlier) were forbidden to you. And I have come to you with a message from your sustainer; remain, then conscious of God and pay heed to me"
It seemed that those people were and still are stubborn and uncorrectable, so God sent another prophet but this time to be the last and to be the messenger of God to all mankind. More importantly this prophet, who is only but Mohammed, was already foretold in all ancient scriptures. In the Bible, for instance, Mohammed is referred to as the Comforter. Jesus told his disciples that his time to go away had come and once he went, the prophet Mohammed (the comforter) would come to correct again what the people of Israel and Christians would change and falsify in the Holy Scriptures. Jesus was sure these people were going to hide the things in his teachings which will not suit them. We read in (John : 14 - 26)
"But the comforter [Which is the Holy Spirit] whom the father will send in my name, he shall teach you all the things and bring all things to your remembrance whatever I have said unto you".
The words between brackets are added to mislead the poor faithful Christians. The Holy Spirit has never been a messenger to people directly. All the messengers were human beings since Adam. So why this time should the Holy Spirit come personally to remind people of What Jesus had said unto them. Finally, What history shows eventually is that the Holy Spirit has never come after Jesus departure. The only one who comes with Jesus' original teachings from God was only but the prophet Mohammed ( peace be upon both). Which is true to life now, the words between brackets or reality? Don't tell me that it is a prophecy that will occur in the apocalypse.. This is not true because the apocalypse is the end of life on earth whereas in (John : 16 - 13) we read:
"...He will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come".
I don't intend to discuss this but I just mentioned it to make you aware of the fact that Mohammed, the comforter, comes to renew what Moses, Jesus and all the other previously sent messengers, preached. What is done is done: Mohammed was the foretold comforter who has brought "all things to your remembrance whatsoever I (Jesus) have said unto you". It becomes obligatory, therefore, for all true Christians to be so, to follow what the Holy Qur'an says. For the Holy Qur'an reminded people of what Jesus Christ said unto them. The almighty God confirms this addressing Mohammed in the Qur'an:
"He has sent down upon thee the Book with the truth, confirming what was before it, and he sent down the Torah and the Gospel aforetime, as guidance to people, and He sent down the Salvation"
Many Jews and Christians know for sure that God will never accept from them that they have ignored the truth about which the Qur'an has talked. Nobody ignores the great efforts the church made to impose its version of the Gospel on the people and the same thing for the synagogue. Many good Jews and Christians confessed the prevarication that the old and new testaments have been victims. Many successive changes have occurred on the original texts of the testaments; which caused their distortion and the multitude of contradictions the holly books suffer from in their modern versions. Because of these manipulations, God sent the Holy Qur'an to correct everything and protect the final Book from distortion.

Jesus was Muslim

Believe it or not, Jesus was preaching Islam because there's only one God and since the dawn of History people were sent messengers, all of whom preach one religion, to worship Allah, to follow the right path and to work hard for the doomsday. Moses and Jesus did the same. Hard headed as always, the people of Israel refused the truth Jesus preached except for his disciples (Muslims). That's why God says in the Qur'an: (Sorat, the house of Imran, Verse:51)
"And when Jesus became aware of their refusal to acknowledge the truth, he asked,"Who will be my helpers in God's cause? " The disciples replied, " We shall be (thy) helpers (in the cause) of God. We believe in God, and bear the witness that we are Muslims (that is, those who submit to God)"
If it happens that we believed that Muslims understands "terrorists", thus Jesus and his disciples were "terrorists". Can any sane one accept this?! No point!
When Jesus was sent to the people of Israel, he revealed that his own birth was a miracle and God is incomparable and nobody can ever think of imagining Him because He is unlike anything you can think of. The Christians made the worst mistake notably to believe (as they are forced to) that God has got a son and therefore a wife; which is strictly illogical and void of sense. God the almighty has bothered Himself to come down to Earth to marry the poor little Mary He who has created her?!! Worse than that is to let the Romans mutilate by "crucifying his son" whereas He has the ultimate power to clean up the Universe. I must go to a psychiatrist if it happened that I had these things in mind.
1    +    1    +    1    =    1    ?
The Father + The Son + The Holy Spirit = God.
How Come ?
Was Jesus Really Crucified?