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New Edition 4ever


In my life, you’ve been so long

And within me lives every song.
You came unto me in my darkest day,
When I thought my emptiness would never go away.
I remember a night so dark and cold,
When I didn’t care if I got to grow old.
I took it upon myself to take my life away,
‘Cause I didn’t want to see another painful day.
As I barely held on to the life I did know,
Your music came and touched my soul.
I felt your words flow through me
And I said to myself, ‘Is this meant to be?’
At that moment, I realized,
That this wasn’t worth the tears in my eyes.
I wasn’t gonna give up and let them win,
‘Cause this wasn’t gonna be my end.

Then, as if to test me,

My heart was broken beyond all belief
My brother filled with hatred and rage
Took all my NE things away from me at a tender age.
I cried and cried,
For he had tried to steal my pride.
I wasn’t gonna let them win,
I vowed to never let go of my faith in NE,
‘Cause NE is a part of me-
And should I stop believing in you,
I, again, no longer belief in me, too.

My faith in NE has kept me with you for over 16 (as of 8/00) years,

And my eyes don’t know as many tears.
New Edition, I want to thank you,
Your music always helps me see my way through.
No matter how hard the times and bad I feel,
Your music comes and the sorrow it does steal.
Again, NE, it is you I want to thank,
And I will always be a fan—and you can take that to
the bank!

All my love to NE,

for all the joy into my life they did bring!
--Rosanna (wrote: 5/98)



Forever a faithful fan of NE
No matter where each member choices to be-
Members can be in playing a part in a play
or rappin' words that only he knows what he did say :).
He could be managing others and directing them on,
or singing backup/rap in some crappy groups song.
It doesn't mater, it really don't...
'cause I won't stop loving NE, nope, uh uh, I won't.
Forever fan, and that's for real!
My love for NE, I will always feel!
--Rosanna (wrote: 5/00)



For the love of music, I come to thee;
Heart and mind open to your melody.
The rhythm fills my very soul;
caressing me from head to toe.
As the lyrics pour out,
I try to understand what your song is about.
Your music fills me with joy,
like a kid openning a X-mas present toy.
I feel all excited--yet, all full of peace,
as the music beats on--beat after beat.

Tho I enjoy the fruits of the song,

it is you that has kept me as a fan for so long.
I respect and admire you determination
for reaching your goals-getting to your destination.
Your skills got you to the top,
and even after some set-backs, you still didn't stop.
You came back with music so smooth,
it mades the young and old wanna dance to the groove.

From the 80s, thru the 90s, and right up to today,

I, a faithful fan, am still here to say:
"Ronnie, Ralph, Mike, Ricky, Johnny, and Bobby,
thank you for sharing yourself with those who've came
to love thee...
Without you and your music soothing me,
I can't even begin to imagine where I'd be.
I could be lost in some sorry trap--
listening to some "artist's" sorry crap.
Your music has given me a sense of contentment,
and you have kept me straight when I might have bent.
Lastly, you must know--or need to see,
I will be a fan of yours for an eternity!"

One wish I have for you,

is to give of me back to you, too.
To show you how much I adore and love you,
by supporting all your projects that you may do.
So, when a new release hits the store,
I'll be the first thru the door!
I'll proudly select it, pay for it, and carry it out,
then I'll hold it close to my heart and dance about.
Tho people will see me dancing like I'm crazed--
they may laugh or stare all amazed--
but that won't matter to me,
because I know later I'll be home listening to NE!
And that makes it all ok and jus' fine with me;
It don't bother me if people see I'm a fan of NE!
--Rosanna (wrote: 9/11/00)

New Edition Crew...

  • Ron DeVoe
  • Ralph Tresvant
  • Ricky Bell
  • Michael Bivins
  • Johnny Gill
  • Bobby Brown
  • You hold a special place in my heart!

My Favorite Web Sites

Ricky Bell's Site
BellBivDeVoe Club--ABOUT TIME
NE Forever Fan Club
NE Old Friends Club
Rizzo--Stone Cold Gentleman
Johnny's Fan Mail
Ronnie Club
My Personal Page
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