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Text Box: Random stuff:












Text Box: Carly and Brittany with their buddy, Something in the Air...because here at Belmont, there is something in the air!


Text Box: Spaghetti Factory night



Text Box: Before Carly left to visit home...




Text Box: Nicki's 18th Birthday Celebration! 9/18/03






Text Box: Honorary member Bethany, Judi, bus boy who hit on Nicki, Nicki, Carly, Brittany, honorary member Sarah, Torrey, Erin


Text Box: Matt Wertz Concert! 9/19/03






Text Box: "I....uh....I miss you...."


Text Box: "..........................*sigh* mmm."

Text Box: Loving ourselves, each other, and the BEAUTIFUL day God gave us! 9/20/03




Text Box: Mmm...peaches 'n cream...
Text Box: Pictures