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We are a Tibia guild on Premia, just formed. We are currently recruiting all levels of all vocations, but you will need some experience of Tibia and be able to stand on your own feet to join. Can all members please use guild chat at all times and obey the guild rules:

1. No pking
2. No stealing
3. The Meyvn is not god. I cannot sort out every problem. I am just a regular player myself and therefore need to get stronger. Please do not ask me for favours every day as this will just irritate me.

If the Generals see someone who is a good candidate for the guild you may ask them to join.

If you wish to join the guild, message Serena Deathbringer, Serenity Healingheart or one of the vices.


Soulchill - Master Sorcerer - Killed Su Si.