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Page 7

Chen : Hey! Goldust rolling Noble up!
Stone Cold : 1.......................2....................................3!!!!!

Chen : Goldust is celebrating!!!!
Stone Cold : But Noble was just screwed!

Stone Cold : Noble's on the mic now...
Noble : I see what you're doing're trying to make
     me lose confidence. Well you're not gonna do it. For
     the last time, I don't want you to be my manager!

Jimmy Hart : Look Jaimie, tonite was just a horrible accident! I came to
            down to watch you get your first win. I didn't mean to distract
            you. But if you don't want me as your manager, I understand.
            Because here's someone who does................

Chen : Could it be? It is.Hulk Hogan!!!!
Stone Cold : I don't believe it!!!!!!

Chen : Noble is as shocked as everyone else in the arena...
Stone Cold : I cannot believe Hogan's in the XWE!!!!

Chen : Hogan firing right hands at Noble!
Stone Cold : He's hulking up!!!

Chen : The big boot!
Stone Cold : And everyone knows what comes next!!!!

Chen : The Leg Drop!!!!!!
Stone Cold : Everyone in the arena has risen to their feet!

Crowd : Hogan! Hogan! Hogan!
Chen : Be honest with me Steve, did you ever think you'd see Hogan in the XWE!?
Stone Cold : No I didn't, but I'm glad he is here.

Chen : Randy Orton is putting that bookcase together...
Stone Cold : Orton is the future of this business.

Chen : Oh my god! Look who's stalking Orton...
Stone Cold : Randy, if you can here me, RUN!

Stone Cold : Right into that bookcase!