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Golden Song Sparrow

(Passer Luteus)

General :

Though the name is appealing, it is inaccurate, as Golden Song Sparrow's are not really songsters, and only the cock is yellow. The cocks song is simple , yet pretty, and is made up of a series of cheeps, similar to those of house sparrows. Golden Song Sparrows are easy birds to maintain and are happy when kept in a small flock- breeding is most likely under these circumstances. Alternatively you can keep a pair of Golden Song Sparrows indoors in a box-type cage fitted with a finch front. Acclimatized Golden Song Sparrows properly when you first buy them. They should be kept in a heated birdroom during cold weather.

Length : 12.5 cm (5 in)
Average Lifespan : 5 years
Sexing : Hens have brown coloration.
Breeding Details : Incubation last 12 days; fledgings occurs 14 days later
Young Birds: Resemble hens, but are paler on their underparts: odd gray feathers are also present on the back of the head.






Food @ Housing:

Golden Song Sparrows eat a variety of small seeds and spray millet, as well as livefood, such as whiteworm and small crickets. After careful acclimatization, you can house these birds in a planted aviary. Alternatively, keep a pair in a box type cage with a finch front. Keep them separate from Waxbills, since these sparrows can be rather boisterous, especially in a group.


For successful breeding, house Golden Song Sparrows in a well planted aviary and provide them with nest boxes. Suspend chunks of gorse in their enclosure to encourage them to breed. As they nest in thorn bushes in the wild, they readily build their nest in aviaries under the protection of the sharp spikes of gorse.
