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September 2009 Grace Davis-Kraus funeral

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Terry, Rick Dupuy (Joann's kids, Grace's grandkids)
with Jeff Miller (Ann Davis-Miller's son)

This man worked with Lola Davis (Mama Dear) when he was a teen in a supermarket (he went on to work in railroad after that); his wife worked with Aunt Jean; her mom was a friend of Grace's since early childhood

Dolores and husband

Dolores' husband

Jim Miller with (I think) friend of Grace's

Jimmy&Susan Miller with Ellen

Benny Davis & Uncle Goodson as we were leaving lunch, going to funeral sermon in sanctuary

Spouses, Kids and/or grandkids of: Andrew Davis, Ann
Davis-Miller, Jean Davis-Dickson & Dorothy Davis-Manley

Ann&Jim Miller with sons Jeff&Jimmy
(and wife Susan) with 5 of 6 grandkids

? and Grace's Pastor


September 2009 visiting Aunt Jean after funeral

Jean Davis-Dickson (Strode Davis' daughter)

Jean Davis-Dickson with (her son) Davis Dickson

Bennie Davis (Barney Davis' son)

Bennie Davis (I caught him off-guard)

Davis (blushing)

November of 2006 (Wayne&Faiha's taken at Elmwood Gardens in Palestine)

Spring of 2006 (Dorothy Davis-Manley's taken at Jean Davis-Dickson's house)

Jim (Ann Davis-Miller's husband) with his aunt-in-law Grace

Grace with Amy Goodson's son, he is Grace's nephew

Uncle Goodson

Wayne Davis (Andrew Davis' son) with Joann
Kraus-DuPuy (Grace Davis-Kraus' daughter)

Papa Dear's (Strode Davis) brothers and sisters (someone please email me on the correct birth order and also the married names of the sisters):

Amy Goodson


September 2009 Gravestones of family

After the funeral, cousin Davis helped us find some family grave stones.
Some were difficult to read, I got as close as I could.

Buck Kraus (Grace's husband)

Buck Kraus (Grace's husband)

Aunt Myrl's husband

Aunt Myrl

Strode Davis (Papa Dear) and Lola Davis (Mama Dear)

Strode Davis (son of Mama Dear and Papa Dear)

June Davis

Dorothy Davis-Manley & QD(David) Manley(husband)

Barney Davis

Junnie Davis (wife of Barney)

James Davis

Grandma Lee Davis

Cousin Chart