The New Age

The War of the Ring was over, King Ellasar had claimed the throne and with him, Queen Arwen, ruled the world of men. The Elf-lords had passed over seas, along with them the Ringbeares, Frodo and Bilbo, Gandalf the White, and Merry and Pippin. Legolas had taken his rightful place as king of Mirkwood and along with him sat his Queen, Sareei, his love of old. Gimli had returned to the Lonely mountain and was reuniting with his people. All seemed right with the world, but is there a new enemy about? It started deep within the MIsty Mountains, and the feeling grows more every day, no one dares pass over or through them, for a feel of an unknown soure, what can it be? Thus begins The New Age.

The New Age is my RPG that I decided to start after I saw Lord of the Rings Movies and then read the books. I love to get on the internet so I said hey, I am gonna start a Lord of the Rings RPG, so begins the New Age--*~§helley~*


4/12/2003/-Today I made my Angelifre account and started working on The New Age.-*~§helley~*

Places of Middle-earth


