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The Making Of T-Bag
Signed Photographs

These are my collection of signed photographs purchased from the Fantom Films website in connection with the T-Bag reunion DVD.

T-Bag Photographs & Official Pictures

A collection of fourteen T-Bag photographs signed by John Hasler (T-Shirt), Georgina Hale (Tabatha Bag), Kellie Bright (Sally Simpkins), Lee Pressman and Grant Cathro (writers).

T-Shirt (Signed by John Hasler)

T-Shirt & T-Bag (Signed by John Hasler)

T-Shirt (Signed by John Hasler)

Group Photo (Signed by Lee Pressman, Grant Cathro & John Hasler)

T-Shirt (Signed by John Hasler)

Rip-Shirt (Signed by John Hasler)

T-Bag (Signed by Georgina Hale)

T-Bag (Signed by Georgina Hale)

Sally & T-Shirt (Signed by Kellie Bright)

Sally, T-Bag & T-Shirt (Signed by Kellie Bright)

T-Bag (Signed by Georgina Hale)

T-Bag (Signed by Georgina Hale)

T-Bag & Vanity Bag (Signed by Georgina Hale)

T-Bag (Signed by Georgina Hale)

Cast Photographs & Official Pictures

A collection of publicity photographs of some of the cast signed by Georgina Hale and Kellie Bright.

Kellie Bright (Signed by Kellie Bright)

Kellie Bright (Signed by Kellie Bright)

Kellie Bright (Signed by Kellie Bright)

Bad Girls (Signed by Kellie Bright)

Bad Girls (Signed by Kellie Bright)

The Upper Hand (Signed by Kellie Bright)

60's Fashion Shoot (Signed by Georgina Hale)

60's Fashion Shoot (Signed by Georgina Hale)

60's Fashion Shoot (Signed by Georgina Hale)

You can purchase copies of these photographs (they are limited stock so some may no longer be available) from Fantom Films, click the banner below for more details.