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Welcome to a world of darkness and light, of honor and deception, of magic and lore ... where thieves plot in shadow, gypsies dance in firelight, rangers vow justice, fae shimmer with mischief, and missionaries spread the Word. Welcome to adventure. Welcome to intrigue. Welcome to Stormpoint!

Rich with tales and trade, Stormpoint is a thriving port city nestled between the tempest sea, an ever-shifting forest, and an ancient war-torn kingdom. More practically, however, it's a fantasy writing group utilizing free form role playing. If you've linked directly to this page via one of our web rings, please come in and wander through the cobblestone streets of the city. But take heed not to venture outside after dark, lest you find yourself lost within the oft-inhabited shadows.

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© 2002 Stormpoint Writers Guild
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Stormpoint is a website and writing board dedicated to fantasy writing and evolving out of Rhydin's role playing and free-form gaming structure. Writings and characters from the magical to the mundane grace the city streets; and tales of adventure, magic, and mystery dwell within its pages. Welcome to a world of darkness and light, of honor and deception, of magic and lore ... where thieves plot in shadow, gypsies dance in firelight, rangers vow justice, fae shimmer with mischief, and missionaries spread the word. Welcome to adventure. Welcome to intrigue. Welcome to Stormpoint! fantasy writing, rpg, role-playing, roleplaying, role playing, medieval, dungeons and dragons, add, ad&d, pbem, pbm, play by email, gaming, stories, message board, magic, adventure, fantasy, mystery, intrigue, wizard, mage, thief, ranger, gypsy, fae, fay, fey, faerie, fairy, faery, elf, darkness, light, honor, deception, magic, lore