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t.h.e f.a.e.s

Wow, it's been over a year since I tended this page! I can't believe it's still functional.

For a while this was the web page where we posted our fanfare pictures from the wedding celebration. But that's all old news now. We're and old married couple of 1.5 years and have moved on to other things.

Our hopes and plans had been to update this page regularly with pictures of what we were up to - but we haven't been up to much. Circumstances have kept us off the AT, mandated that we withdraw our rock gym membership, and haven't even given us the time to go hiking regularly. It's a tough hand for a set of neo-hippies with a bad case of wanderlust, but anythign from God's hand is good, and has a purpose. We'll be alot more like Jesus when we finally make it back to the woods!

Well, whatever the case, I've modified the site a little. I removed alot of the extraneous pictures and left up only a few of the nice ones from the wedding. Hopefully I can put up some of our more prefered activites soon. Thanks for stopping in!

Stephan and Kari

t.h.e. w.e.d.d.i.n.g

wedding a few other things

last updated 30 NOVEMBER 2005