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Curacao Sunset Waters Resort

..and Sunset Divers Dive Operations

Castaway's Travel Hosted Nude Week July 19-26, 2003

(click on any PHOTO to enlarge it in a new window)
Email Spyder


This is a lengthy report, but there is a lot to describe about Sunset Waters Resort(SW). We had a GREAT week, probably our best vacation ever, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this staff and destination, particularly for divers. We're experienced Caribbean travelers: all over the Keys, Bahamas, Cozumel, Jamaica several times, and some smaller destinations, so we have a good basis of comparison for this resort vis-a-vis others. Every vacation and resort that we've visited had it's own special charm and each had it's own advantages and disadvantages; this resort was no different in that respect. But I hope I'll present a balanced, unbiased view of one vacationer's experience.

This report is split into several sections in case you're interested only in certain details such as diving, environment, etc. If you have questions or comments please feel free to email me. Be sure to include CURACAO TRIP REPORT in the subject line as I get a lot of spam and I delete messages with unrecognized subjects. I've included some shots of the resort on this page; click the photo to see a larger version of an image. There may be some nudity in the photos in this report since it was nude week!, but no frontals or anything shocking. Just enough to give you the nude week flavour. I recognize and respect that many divers are not into getting naked in groups, and believe me, there is no pressure to take off anything. This is the Burger-King of resorts- have it your way...

Also there are no recognizable images of other guests so no worries if you were there that week. I don't post images of anyone, even staff, without permission. All persons in photos on this site gave full permission to use their image. If you want your image posted here from that week send me a verifiable email and I'll get it worked into the mix. I appreciate the same courtesy from other visitors.