's Creed
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Soft,babys Creed walks across the room, her tan silken skin shinning as she
comes in front of her Master, stops three paces in front of Him, as she
gracefully fall to my knees .. legs parted for her Master's eyes only ..
her back held straight with her long brown curls of hair falling freely
down her bare back .. hands placed upwards apon her creamy thighs
showing her readiness to serve her Master, her head held up highly with
pride, her eyes lowered looking at her Masters feet to show her Master
the proper respect He is owed .. with a smile apon her face and the love
she feels for Him she begins to whisper her Creed to her Master ..

As of the date of {{ date }} of her own free will , with no
reservations or regrets has given her gift of submission to her Master,
{{ Master Name }} ..

She gives You her mind ..
To guide with Your Wisdom, to teach her what she must learn so she can
serve You to Your likes, to nurture so she can fill her mind with the
knowledge she needs so she may grow to be the best she can for You and her..

She gives You her body ..
To do with as You see fit to fulfill Your needs and hers, and in
the future to bind together in the pleasures that will await
U/us face to face.

She gives You her heart ..
She places her heart in Your hands to love and cherish,
to care for it and hold close to Your heart , as only her
Master can do ..

She gives You her soul ..
To combind with Your Soul and be joined as O/one soul
to fly to new places and new hights together, To mix these
two souls and become as O/one in everyway and very meaning .. this day on {{ Date }} begins a New life And Beginning
with her Master and together T/they embark on a new Journey together
as One starting a new page of History to be written by T/themselfs ..

1. will always Trust, Honor and Respect her Master.

2. will always put her Master before all other.

3. will listen and obey all her Master's wishes and word's
as if they were law. will always think of her Master in everything she
does for what she does will reflect apon Him .. to give 110%
of herself to this new journey W/we both embark apon ..

5. will always be open and speak to her Master about all that is
going on with her and discuss everything with Him, she will not hold
back any of her feelings from Him.

6. will always do what is in her power to always be there for her
Master when He needs her here online till the time comes for U/us
when W/we can move forward to the next level of Real Time together.

This i do on this day ( Date ).. has accepted her One and Only
True Master this day being Sir.Intrigue .. and will do all in
her power to see He is Loved and Cared for always as He
should be .. i Love You my Master With All My Heart, Mind , Body and Soul ..
{{ Masters Name }}