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Single Mingle Jam

  ^^Advertisment that won't go away...assholes
Hola Ladies! Welcome to the Official SMJ website. Are you sick of never being able to find a person to hookup with? Sounds like you need some single mingle!  We have a wide variety of men to choose from...Max and Graham.  Now I know what you are all thinking! What if I have a group of three or more?! Ladies the answer is simple: Max and Graham can handle multiple women at the same time! Its true! So when you feel like a good snog (makeout) come on down to the single mingle jam!


Graham Arnold
Age: 15

 Status: Single and ready to Mingle

Enjoys: Romantic walks on the beach, candlelit
dinners, and snogging hot chicks.

Why Graham?: Graham has been known to bring
it in hot.  His good looks have earned him hundreds
of snogs so he is extremely experienced.  He can take
on many girls at a time. (his record is 5)



Max Ade
Age: 15

Status: Single

   Enjoys: Grilling on the weekends, filming movies
(Sure if you're into that kind of stuff), and of course a great snog.

Why Max?: Max is a man of disguise...and trust me...he'll getcha! He's been known to take on quite a few girls at a time.  If your looking for a long snog (45min-6hr) you've come to the right place!

<<Max Ade at the 2004 Beatboxing Championships

Upcoming Single Mingle Jams
Friday, May 13   Max's House


Are you single and want to mingle with graham or max...or both?!
call (678) 207-8781
aim: adesome00, crackerlax20



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