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Riv Lee's Valley

Last Updated: Feb 17, 2008

Yes, stories are updated!


Stories ** "The Nature of Change" New Story, 10/05/06, Legends, Lore, and Lullabies series, major updates. 2/17/09**

Legends, Lore, and Lullabies Series. **Updated 2/17/08

Times and Tales Series

Jouri's Haven**

Here you can find Jouri's fic, otherwise known as Drachenaugen26 on

Riv Lee's Bio Actually updated and correct now.

Moments of Non-Brilliance, because we all have them.

My LiveJournal

Welcome to my little corner of the web. Here you will find the fanfic of RivLee. Know that the stories you access on this page are based off of people I do not know and literary works I have no claim to. This is all for fun. NO profit is made off of it.If fanfic tends to bother you, then please, leave now. Otherwise, click on the links and see the madness that comes from my mind.

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