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These are just a few of the many Weddings we've performed, and helpful ideas
That we've used in creating personal wedding vows for our clients in the past.
Here you'll find Samples, specialty needs, and much more.

Weddings - In this section we've included some actual wedding vows from various weddings that we've done over the years.  These vows are all originals, and personalized for our couples and used with permission for this site only.  Many couples have also asked us for help with various parts for their vows.  Below are some of the answers we've created for couples from all over the world who have come to us asking for our help.
Examples Wedding Help Complete Weddings
Commitment Ceremony Honoring those who have died Notturno wedding
Handfasting Ceremony Pregnant Bride Bennet wedding
Wedding Extras Weddings with multiple kids 1 Gonzales wedding
Civil Wedding Weddings with multiple kids 2 Danielson wedding
New Years Eve Ceremony Unity Candles  Ceremony Santiago wedding
Various Readings Prayers & Blessings Ren Wedding

Handfastings  & Commitment ceremonies are not legally binding ceremonies. 
Handfastings are generally done 1 yr and a day prior to the wedding date itself.  It was the early version of our engagement ceremony today.   Handfasting Ceremony

The Commitment Ceremony is along the same line as the Handfasting, the most common use of this type of ceremony is for same sex couples who wish to express their love, promising to love only their individual life partner and no one else.  In this example below a young couple asked that I conduct the ceremony on line through a public chat room.  It gave them a means to have the family present while both parties were in two different states at the time.  In 2006 the couple hopes to unite in wedlock here in Michigan for real.  Commitment Ceremony 


Rev. Hansen pastor and wedding minister - White Lake Michigan
E-Mail Me At : rev hansen at
Page Last Updated: March 16, 2006