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Welcome to the page without a name

Instead of just dedicating this place to Epic, I've decided to put other works of mine up as well. Yeesh! you'd think with all this revamping that eventually the vamps would get in the way! New-Epic is the title to my favorite fantasy. And look, I put up a new writing! I will put up new parts of Epic...eventually. Look for little updates from time to time, like now. The Mighty Fruit Warrior Minios are finally here! Clickey Clickey on the link and be afraid. Oh yes, be VERY AFRAID!

To the very few people who probably happen upon this place-let's get THE HOBBIT filmed! Right now it cannot be filmed because of a problem about rights, but perhaps we can change that(link below)

Nifty Stuff Sometime in the Future

Enter the Realms Where Them Ightym Ysterio Might Find You

NaNoWriMo-Do you think you're brave? Try writing a novel in a month!
List of those killed in 9-11-I'm serious for this one-please keep them in your memories
If you like LOTR,or even really well constructed websites, you'll love this!Make sure to check out the avatars!
Epic-a brand new page! and new writings!
Hobbit Petition
Artificial languages rock!
What is SCA? Click and find out
yea, so I'm a geek, but I'm a dragon-obsessed geek
I told ya I'm a geek
Fruit Warrior Minions! NYAH!