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White Family Homepage


Dear Friend,

We are Randy and Michelle...

We want to thank you for honoring us by reading our letter. We cannot realize the emotional decision you are facing, but we understand the love you must have in your heart. You are truly an amazing individual, and we hope you find peace with the decisions that you make.

About Us...We were married in the fall of 1994. We tried to begin our family soon afterward, but after over six years of dealing with infertility, we gladly embraced adoption as the way to build our family. We adopted our son, Samuel, in Guatemala in December 2001. His homecoming was truly the happiest moment of our lives and we enthusiastically look forward to the wonderful experience again! As for Samuel, he is excited about having a new sibling join our family.

About Michelle...(by Randy)...Michelle is a wonderful person who was put on earth to be a mother. She is always on top of things making sure everything runs smoothly in the White household. She loves children and encourages them to be open about themselves because no matter what, she will always be on their side. Michelle likes to read, garden, play scrabble and spend time outdoors. She enjoys reading to Samuel and can't wait to share her favorite book, "Love You Forever" with our next child!

About Randy...(by Michelle)...Randy has been a very dedicated husband. Ever since we met, I have felt absolutely cherished by him. He tells me everyday that he loves me, and tells me all the time that I am beautiful. He loves spending time with our son. I love watching Randy sit on the floor with Samuel playing with a farm set or with cars. I'm so excited about watching Randy with our next child, pulling them around the yard in a wagon or helping them explore the woods for wildlife.                                                                                                                                     Samuel says "Welcome to our family!"

Thank You for reading our letter. With hopeful, open hearts we look forward to developing a relationship with you that is comfortable for us all. Please feel free to call us a 1-800-813-0234 Ext. 00 or e-mail us at You may also contact the Independent Adoption Center at 1-800-877-6736.

Careers...Randy has worked for ten years in the printing industry. Michelle has bachelors and masters degrees in education and teaches students who are emotionally disabled in grades nine through twelve. Our schedules allow for plenty of family time, whether on the weekends, holidays or during summer breaks!

Samuel having fun with his cousin Kyle.

Interests...Randy loves sports, woodworking, fishing and golfing. Michelle loves to play piano, read and work on scrapbooks. Together we enjoy: gardening, traveling, bowling, playing cards and board games and spending time with family and friends.

Randy and Michelle "horsing" around.

Our home...We were both born, raised and now make our home in Vevay, IN. Nestled next to the Ohio River, it is a town with traditional values and simple pleasures. We live in the country and have a large yard with flowers and trees. We grow a small garden, and have plenty of room to raise animals. We have two dogs, a cat and four rabbits. We're excited to teach our next child to plant flowers and feed the dogs and rabbits, just as we have begun to do with Samuel. An added bonus is that our parents and all our brothers and sisters live within ten minutes of us! We spend lots of time with family, and everyone is ecstatic about adding another child to the family.