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Pirch Sound Exchange


Pirch Sound Exchange was/is an IRC chat channel that was started back in 1997. Pirch chat client had a media player and the interface was used during chat to play sound files to everybody in the chatroom. It was fun and in a short period of time you would find that your collection of midi and waves had grown on your harddrive. We had several regulars that visited the chatroom every day and some were known to be there almost 24/7. For some reason, we let the Pirch Sound Exchange channel die after a few years. Back then it was dialup and slow transfer rates. Sharing the sound files took time, but we all enjoyed the laughs they provided. Nowdays with broadband, one would assume that PSE would be even more fun than ever. A new channel has been registered on starchat. So, get out there and download the PIRCH client, enable the events for sound sharing, and log in to start enjoying it. Who knows some of the old PSE users might find us someday.

You can download a client from starchat that has some of the entries needed already there. In order to see any channels on that server, you will have to register your nick and verify your email address. So don't give up.
We are out there!
We have the sound files.
Its up to you to find us!

For help setting up PircH, please read below for step by step instructions.


My Favorite Web Sites

Pirch Homepage
Starchat Homepage
Java interface to get to #Pirch_Sound_Exchange
Vortec IRC Client


Step 1

Download the StarPircH version of the IRC client and install it on your computer.

Click here to download PircH

Step 2

Setting up the program.

Fill out your name and email address and nicknames.
Make sure you have startchat selected in the IRC network box.
Then hit connect

Once you connect to starchat, you will have to register your nickname.
to do this you will have to type this with your real email and a password to use.

/ns register password

Once you do this, check your email for a message from starchat. 
Follow theinstructions on how to activate your nick.

After your nick is activated, you must identify yourself to the server.
To do this you will type the following:

/ns identify password

The password is the same one you used when you registered.  Dont forget this password!


Step 3

Once you are logged into the server, you will need to check your events to make sure they are correct.
Here is a sample of my events.

Here they are in text form so you can copy any you may want.

=== example automated sound gets & sends ==============================================
ON NOSOUND:*.*:#:/notice $nick !DCCSEND $filename
ON TEXT:!CaveClanFam*:#:/dcc send $nick $soundpath $+ $2
ON NOTICE:!DCCSEND*:*:/dcc send $nick $soundpath $+ $2
ON DCCDONE:*.wav;*.mid;*.rmi;*.avi;*.mp3:/playmedia $fullfilename
;ON SOUND:*.*:*:/display > *Info \-11 $nick \-2 $filename \-2 $address ( $+ $time $+ )
;ON SOUND:*.*:#: /display > *sound* \-4 $host \-11 \-2 Now Playing: \-2 $filename was played by \-2 \-31 $nick \-31 \-2
ON SOUND:*.*:#:/display > $activewin \-11 \-3 Sound: \-3 \-2 \-31 $filename played by $nick \-2 \-31
;=== example auto greet ==============================================================
ON JOIN:#:/notice $nick Hi there. Welcome to # !| /playmedia ringout.wav
;VERSION:/ctcp $nick versionreply $me is using the new StarChat PIRCH

Make sure to change the one line where !CaveClanFam is found to your nick.
 Also make sure the enabled checkbox is checked. Then click the checkmark on the top left.


Step 4

Make sure your sounds are enabled in the Options window.


Step 5

You are ready to join a chat channel now.  In the server window type

/join #pirch_sound_exchange

or get a channel listing by clicking on the channels button and doubleclick a room to join.

Have fun!