IGN Wrestling article (6/28/00)
Shawn Michaels squashes rumors of farewell speech!
The Heartbreak Kid gives exclusive comments to IGN Wrestling

By Michael Tavares

IGN Wrestling Indy Reporter

Last week, word had gotten out on the Internet that the former WWF Heavyweight champion "the Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels would make an appearance on WWF Raw. Sure enough, this past Monday night he did indeed show up. He was there to introduce the new Commissioner of the WWF, that being another former WWF Heavyweight champion in Mick Foley. Michaels then disappeared quietly, leaving the segment to Foley and "the Game" Triple H.

Subsequent rumors had Michaels making a farewell speech, "possibly at Wrestlemania," as his career officially ended with a whisper when a back injury refused to heal. IGN Wrestling contacted Shawn Michaels to get an official word on the rumor, which he himself had seen. "Those words have never come out of my mouth. I have no idea where that came from" he chuckled.

Michaels is still acting as the official spokesperson for the WWF. He is under a contract to the WWF that will run out next spring. The WWF had asked him to renew for a new deal continuing his current role. Currently, the WWF sends Michaels on public relation trips for ticket sales almost every-other week.

In addition to his work with the WWF, Michaels also runs his highly successfully pro wrestling training school (which has had four students signed to developmental deals with the WWF) and his pro wrestling promotion, the Texas Wrestling Alliance. Both are based in San Antonio, Texas.

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