WWF Raw Magazine (4/02)
An Open Letter from Triple H

To all my WWF fans: Since my return to the ring in January, I have been amazed and deeply touched by the outpouring of support and encouragement I have recieved from everyone. My return to Madison Square Garden was an experience I will never forget, and I knew at that point that the months and hours spent rebuilding my muscle, and being away from family and friends were more than worthwhile. I am in a business that I love; it is my life, and it is the only thing I want to do. I believe that when you want something badly enough, you will go to any length to achieve it. I am humbled by some of the letters I have received, when my fans have told me they looked to my rehab for encouragement in their own battles to survive. However, I believe that the true heroes and survivors are those fans who are fighting greater battles than I have ever fought, and I am taking this opportunity to thank each one of you for the inspiration you gave me during the time I spent rehabbing from my injury. I know that we all have one thing in common, that is our love and respect for a business that I hope to be in for many years to come. Again...I thank each and every one ofyou forbeing inmy corner."

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