Cincinnati Enquirer- 11/07/02
Triple H a Survivor
By Jason Nebel
Thursday, November 7, 2002

In 1995, Hunter Hearst Helmsley (aka Triple H) burst onto the World Wrestling Federation scene (now World Wrestling Entertainment or WWE) with a badboy image and a no-holds-barred approach that led to a meteoric rise in the sports-entertainment industry. He has held virtually every major title in the WWE and has defeated many well-known wrestlers, including The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin. And while most professional wrestlers last only a few years on the grueling circuit, Triple H has not only stayed in the game, he has thrived. He is the WWE RAW Champion, one of cable's top-rated programs broadcast Monday nights on TNN and coming live to U.S. Bank Arena on Monday. He will also defend his title on the hugely popular Pay-per-View Survivor Series broadcast live from New York's Madison Square Garden Nov. 17. Triple H took a few minutes recently to tell the Enquirer about why he remains successful and where his career is heading.

Question: Why do you think that Triple H is the WWE RAW Champion?

Answer: Because I'm the best on the show. From a creative standpoint, I've got a lot going for me. Plus I stay in shape. WWE is changing a lot and we have a lot of new recruits who haven't really found their niche yet. I think I have found mine.

Q: You have to defend your title at the "Survivor Series" at Madison Square Garden, Nov. 17. What are you expecting to happen?

A: That's an interesting question. I really don't know what to expect. There will be a lot of unknowns at Survivor. They're introducing the cell match, which is going to be crazy with five guys in the ring at the same time. Anything could happen.

Q: Are there any WWE stars either on RAW or Smackdown that you'd like to get in the ring?

A: I'd really like to fight Brock Lesnar, the current Smackdown champion. Another guy I'd want to see in the ring is Edge. He is someone people should really be watching. And although I've fought Chris Benoit many times before, I'd like to fight him again.

Q: You've been in the WWE since 1995 and have held virtually every major title. While you're still at the top of the game, many have fallen by the wayside. To what do you attribute your longevity?

A: First of all, it's 'cause I still love it. Also it's staying in shape, which limits injuries. I've had my share of injuries over the years, but I've always been able to come back. But mostly I think it's my ability to change with the times. I'm always taking new approaches and entering new territory. The fans love it.

Q: What is your training regimen like?

A: Right now I'm doing about four shows a week, which is an incredible workout in itself. I weight train four days a week, but I do very little cardiovascular work because I get that at the shows. I watch what I eat to keep my body weight up but nothing super, super strict.

Q: Have you ever wrestled in Cincinnati before? Did you get a chance to see the city at all?

A: Sure, I've been to Cincinnati many times. I've wrestled a lot at the Cincinnati Gardens. Unfortunately, traveling and working out so much we rarely see the sights. I normally just remember the gym.

Q: What kind of fan mail do you get?

A: It's definitely a love/hate thing. A lot of people can't get enough of Triple H. But there are plenty of people who really believe Triple H is an evil, evil person.

Q: How much longer do you plan to compete in the WWE?

A: It's hard to say. If you had asked me that before I tore my left quadricep muscle almost completely off the bone last year, I would have said a long time. But you have to realize there are some physical limitations in this sport. They say you'll know when it's time to stop. And I'll move on when I feel it's right. But I don't think that will be anytime soon.

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