WWF.com interview (4/21/02)
Conducted by Seth Mates

He's no longer the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion, but that fact didn't wipe the grin off Triple H's face backstage after Backlash. The Game was all smiles as he talked to WWF.com about one of the most memorable nights of his storied career.

WWF.com: What's going through your head right now?

Triple H: I went out there with one of the greatest f**king icons in our business and f**king blew the roof off Kansas City. I'm on top of the world. On top of the world. It's not about who wins and loses; this is about performing. Tonight, I went out there with a guy that is one of the best in the business, of all time, and we did what we do. There's nothing better than that.

WWF.com: Hulk Hogan said after the match that he may have won the title, but after fighting you, he considers you the best in the business. What does it mean to you to get a compliment like that from him?

Triple H: To get a compliment from a guy like Hulk Hogan or Ric Flair, someone like that, it's the ultimate compliment. A guy that's been in the ring with them all and seen them all - for me to have a guy like Hollywood Hulk Hogan tell me that I'm the best in the business, that's the ultimate compliment. And to be able to go out there in front of 20,000 fans in this arena and just light it up with Hogan, that's a compliment too.

WWF.com: Was it weird for you when they were booing you during the match?

Triple H: (laughs) Actually, I felt right at home! It was actually quite refreshing. It was very difficult not to try to go with it, because that's my instinct. It's actually odd for me when they cheer me -- very odd for me. And I actually quite enjoy being booed. So you ask if it felt weird - nah. It felt like I went home for a day. So it was cool, but there were points where they were cheering me and there were points where they were booing me. It was an odd mix. I think this was a match for people where it didn't matter who won and who lost, who came out on top and who didn't. They just wanted to see what would happen in this match - Hogan against Triple H. What would happen? Very much so like Rock and Hogan. Hopefully someday, someone in the business will think that about me, like "Man, can you imagine getting in the ring with Triple H?" That's the ultimate compliment. I think the fans just wanted to be entertained tonight. And they were. You can't ask for more than that.

WWF.com: Was there a lot of pressure heading into the match, coming off Rock vs. Hogan last month at WrestleMania?

Triple H: Sure. Any time you're in the main event, there's pressure. Any time you're in the top position, there's pressure. There's especially a lot of pressure right now. There's a lot of controversy with Hulkamania. Hulk's made the ultimate return, at an advanced age, to be politically correct. I think there's a lot of controversy and emotion surrounding that. So to be able to do what we did - there was a lot of pressure on us. So it's even that much sweeter.

WWF.com: How are you feeling physically?

Triple H: I feel great.

WWF.com: When you look back on this night 10, 20, 30 years from now, how do you think you'll remember it?

Triple H: A highlight. I think that when my career winds down, one of the matches I'll always remember will be the time I whipped Hogan's ass and still lost the belt to him. (laughs) Just the time I wrestled Hulk Hogan in Kansas City at the peak of his comeback. It's like pitching against Babe Ruth. What more can you ask for?

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