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The Mystic's Dream

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Quotes From Afar
The Wheel of the Year
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Moon Magic

Welcome to the Celtic Pagan Ring. This website is a place where we can appreciate the beauty and power of nature. Feel free to explore this page and please leave a message before you go.

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The Song of Amergin

I am a stag:of seven tines,

I am a flood across a plain,

I am a wind on a deep lake,

I am a tear the Sun lets fall,

I am a hawk above the cliff,

I am a thorn beneath the nail,

I am a wonder among flowers,

I am a wizard who but I Sets the cool head aflame with smoke?

I am a spear that roars for blood,

I am a salmon in a pool,

I am a lure from paradise,

I am a hill where poets walk,

I am a boar ruthless and red,

I am a breaker threatening doom,

I am a tide that drags to death,

I am an infant who but I Peeps from the unhewn dolmen, arch?

I am the womb of every holt,

I am the blaze on every hill,

I am the queen of every hive,

I am the shield for every head,

I am the tomb of every hope.

Embrace the Mother Goddess