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Vendui, and welcome to the home of

Qu'ellar d'Orthae'Chath

Welcome family and friends!  Welcome home.  I know many of you have questions that need answering, and I hope that, within these pages you will find the answers you seek.  This site is intended for both those simply curious about our family, and of course as the home site for the family itself.  It is intended to be the final "source" of information on the rules of membership, as well as a place to get to know your brothers and sisters.

This house is dedicated to family and honors loyalty.  If you are not a member and are considering applying to the house, read well all that is contained within this site.  I also encourage you to spend some time with the family before joining, as this is not a light decision you ponder!  We do not "recruit" in the normal fashion, all who join approach us first, and we expect that those who join are not joining simply to have a guild tag under their name, but instead join because they like what the house stands for and the people within it.  This house also subscribes to the "play nice" policy, even if we are a Teir'dal family (with non-Teir'dal allies), and therefore you're role-play within and without this house while evil should not ever be taken to the point of "harassment".  If this is not for you, we encourage you not to proceed farther, as such behavior will not be tolerated here.

Each member is required to have a "story", a diary if you will, of what makes each of you who you are, and gives the rest of us insight into your soul.  As you read these pages, keep this in mind since we expect to have everyone's story here for all to read.  For current family members, take the time to get to know your brothers and sisters... read their histories, for they are your family now and forever and you should know them as you know yourself, for when the last battles come...... well, I don't know about you, but I want to know who's standing behind me more than I want to know who or what stands before me!

Now... enough chatter... come, enter and explore and know, as I know, who we are!