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Fave food          : pizza!pizza!, sushi!
Fave computer game : Diablo!
Fave book          : The Dark Angel by David Morrel
Fave movie         : LOTR, HP, Matrix, Basic, Sweet November
Fave sitcom        : Just Shoot Me, Charmed, The 70's Show
Fave anime         : Fushigii Yuugi, Gensomaden Saiyuki, Ayashi No Ceres, GetBackers
Fave band          : Counting Crows, (ex) Eraserheads, Yano
Fave music         : Enya's, J. Groban's, Counting Crows', Rainbow-South Border

1982, October 23rd, my mother was screaming in combination of pain and relief and my father was still pacing back and forth, a baby-cry heard in an echo...I was born, unaware of the cruelness of the world, waiting for my arrival!  for some reason, they named me after a saint! :)
Grew up in a perfect environment! Trees, monkeys, snakes, beach...nature! The place where monkeys wake you up in the morning (and i'm talking about real monkeys here!), where you get to go to a beach with no sand in it, where you get to see snakes in different sizes, there's hot water for shower, a school bus with friendly drivers, a dam site with little fishes and turtles (there was a rumor that aligators live there too!)...paradise!

So, I grew up just fine.   it was the time of my life!

My favorite character...many! but no.1 on the list is   BADBADTZ-MARU.

and my favorite comic strip is the ever-funny   PUGAD BABOY!!!!.