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Public School

I attend two different public schools from JK to grade 8. From JK to grade 2 I attended Claude E. Garton school. I was only there for that short period of time because the school burnt down. How funny is that? How many kids can say their school actually burnt down! Too bad this was during the summer and we didn't even miss any school. But I went to watch it burn and it was cool.

From grade 3 untill graduation (1997) from public school (grade 8), I attended Forest Park. Most people know this school due to the fact that it is BIG and Purple.

The Big Purple School

High School

I attended Hammarskjold High School in Thunder Bay, Ontario. I complete grade 9 - OAC. Along with the standard grade 12 diploma i received my OAC diploma and my French Immersion diploma. I graduated last year (2002) and decided to attend Confederation College to take the CPA program.


Post-Secondary Institution

I am currently enrolled at Confederation College in the Computer Programmer Analyst program. It's a 3 year program and so far, so good.

Shuniah Building
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