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Here you will find out what makes me tick. [sarcasm]Or what I like to do when I'm not having fun at school.[/sarcasm]

I like to do a lot of stuff. In the summer I like to play golf and in the winter I play hockey. I'm not very good at golf, but it's still really fun. Every summer my friends and I go down to Lutsen and play there a couple times a year. It's about a million times better then the best course in Thunder Bay and it's defintley worth the price.

Superior National Golf Club, Lutsen, MN

I also really like movies, music, video games and computers. I see almost every movie I can and I have a pretty big DVD collection. I listen to all kinds of music, minus country, whenever I feel like relaxing.

Video games and computers are what I like the most. Playing games online with friends or LAN matches are the best and are really fun. I love computers. Fixing them, building and using them. That's why I love Productivity tools!

Playing a HALO LAN match
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