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Well this page is dedicated to everything that I would classify as being my favourite in that certain category.

Favourite Foods:

My favourite food is Italian. Anything Italian I will eat. To go along with that my favourite restaurant is the Olive Garden. It's too bad there isn't one in Thunder Bay.

Favourite Music:

The Eminem Show

I don't really have a favourite type of music. I listen to it all, except country. Some of my favourite artists and bands are: Eminem, AC/DC, Creed, Matthew Good, and Our Lady Peace just to name a few. My favourite song currently is "Sing for the Moment" by Eminem and "In a world called catastrophe" by Matt Good.

Favourite Movie:

Very hard to pick one movie out of a million that I've seen. I've seen just about everthing so here are some of the best IN MY OPINION (top 10, not in any order).

    First Rule of Fight Club...
  1. Fight Club
  2. Signs
  3. Lord of the Rings: Two Towers
  4. Lord of the rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  5. Se7en
  6. Mallrats
  7. Dazed and Confused
  8. Saving Private Ryan
  9. Star Wars Series
  10. Back to the Future Trilogy

Favourite TV Show:

Senifeld is the greatest show ever. I still watch it everyday even though I've seen the episode a number of times. Other shows I like include Family Guy, Simpsons, NYPD Blue.

Favourite Video Game/Video Game system:


My favourite video game of all time is The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64. Currently my favourite video game is Halo on the XBOX and The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker on the Gamecube. My favourite system is the XBOX and the Gamecube.

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