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Frodo- The Two Towers

LOTR. For all of you geniuses out there that don't know what LOTR stands is Lord of the Rings, and now on with my site.  Ok, for this site I have decided to do something different from my other sites.  I just hope that you enjoy and that you learn a lot or if you already know a lot more than me you at least learn ONE new thing! :-)

This site covers the many different areas of The Lord of the Rings, from pictures, to the actual languages created by J.R.R. Tolkien, I pretty much cover a lot.  But, I still need help because I am not a total LOTR freak.  If you think that there is anything I should include please e-mail me! I promise I will reply to you as soon as possible.

I will try to update my site regularly, which means maybe once a week, more often if I am bored! But, I check my mail almost everyday so please send me e-mail if you have questions or comment about anything! Or you can just sign my guestbook! (But unless you leave your e-mail address I won't be able to contact you.)

P.S.- I will make a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page about LoTR topics, but I need questions first! (duh!) So, once again please e-mail me if you have questions about ANYTHING! And if I can't find the answer to one of your questions I will post it on the site and if anybody else knows the answer I will be open to responses.

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