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The PiNk LaDy StOrY
Sunday, 20 November 2005
busy me
Mood:  d'oh
busy me..... yes... i am a bit busy 2 weeks left before the final exam and i'm stuck on my unfinished assignments... god... what to do? i am a bit blurr now... i have less time but loads to do. starting this week i'm pulling my legs to catch up with all the due dates of assignments,class and preparing for the killing final exam starting on 6th december. (owhhhh god... please bless me?) yesterday i did not go back for my open house... i was too lazy.... though my sister wants to fetch me up @klcc.... but i'd say i just cannot... i am not having ample time to do both my assignments and preparing for the exams. i just want some holiday.... a holiday to think about my life.....

Posted by rings/lil_q at 12:55 PM
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Thursday, 17 November 2005
yet another day
Mood:  don't ask
rise and shine! good morning world.... aahhh what a pleasant day today.... got class at 10.30 to catch up after this though.... a not so very bright day outside... like yesterday.. it will rain soon. i was supposed to meet DIA today...but probably its just not my luck... he cancelled the plan last minute cause of some circumstances... what to do? erm.... nevermind.... just forget it.... i got a life to go on and meaning this evening i'll be going to my marketing class.(what a boring class) not again..... i am wondering about the midterm marks 4 both KMP and marketing today and we're going to submit the KMP group assignment today. just hoping that luck will casted upon me... owh god... please let the assignment passed all the requirement without been rejected....... bless me today.......

Posted by rings/lil_q at 9:16 AM
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lovey dovey me
Mood:  amorous
Topic: Memories
love..... is it what shakespeare saw in his creation of sonnet 18? well i dont know.. its so strange... it hits you whenever it wants and left you with a lot of pain to cry on.... welll.... i got my own interpretation when people say that love is blind... i thought that is.... love is really blind. once you fall for somebody, you wont even bother the weaknesses or the imperfection that the person has.. whats more important is just loving the person as sincere that you could,accepting the person as the person is.... probably some love could be base on bling bling? or some sort of materialistic issue among women but for me its not about that.... how could we treat love for and exchage to become posh and live such as paris hilton? unless you were born to be like her, a great family business over the globe.i am in the middle of loving someone... and i wish i had one honest relation with that boi.... one that i could really love.....and care the most in my life... is DIA the one? i want to be someone close to his heart... like who he is in my heart... and i like him just the way he is.... owh god... please show me the way... and lead him to love me?

Posted by rings/lil_q at 12:10 AM
Updated: Thursday, 17 November 2005 12:18 AM
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