Author: Kerry ~Aja
Pairing: CraigHarry
Ratings: PG13/PG
Summary: On tattoos. Drabbles.
Disclaimer: Totally made up. All of it's lies.


"Can I look?"

"You've already seen it, you know what it looks like." Still, Harry
lifts his shirt and turns around.

Craig pulls at Harry's jeans with one hand, carefully peels loose
the gauze pad with the other. It's just four simple lines, a symbol
meaning 'heart.' The skin around it is still faintly flushed, but
that'll settle soon enough.

Somehow, Craig resists the urge to touch, to trace the lines. He
simply replaces the pad and kisses the patch of skin just above
it. "Thankyou."

"For what?" Harry asks, turning back to face his lover.

"Agreeing to the idea."

