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Welcome to the first and only


This week is our first official week of teaching so we'll go easy on our pupils. If you are interested in teaching at the L.O.T.R. Academy let Headmistress Brahman know. The Headmistress Jessamine Helena Brahman is in charge of all the happenings at L.O.T.R. so if you want to have something changed, added, or just plain want to chat let her know. We are adding things to our site all the time so please visit often. Also if you wish to become a student here at LOTR please check out our information packet.

How to get into LOTR Academy:

(Don't worry! 95% of all applicants are accepted. Only those who have never read any of the 4 books are rejected.)

2. Send your resumé to Headmistress
3. Wait at most 3 days for us to reply
4. If accepted, you'll recive two websites to go to. You'll know what to do from there.

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