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Emphasis on Mom

April 8, 2006

The Image of a Woman

by Dionna Sanchez

=I’ve had it. For years I’ve watched as our society has continued to barrel down this road of demoralizing women. TV shows have gotten raunchier, movies have crossed the line over into pornography, and commercials use sex to sell everything from hamburgers to shampoo! I’m sickened and disgusted.

I am a woman. I want to be respected and valued. I am not meat.
I have daughters. I want them to be respected and cherished. I don’t want to have to worry about every guy that looks at them as they grow up because they can’t find a shirt that doesn’t bare their belly!

I also am a wife. I want my husband to have eyes only for me. He is devoted to me and loves me. But I can only imagine how tough it must be for him as everywhere he goes; half-naked women are thrust in his face. I don’t want to have to fret if I’m not home and he’s simply watching TV!
I have a son. I worry about the temptations he faces as he goes to the theaters with his friends. Thinking they will see a good movie, they are inadvertently exposed to suggestive content and exposed women constantly! And I’m not even talking about rated R movies. I want his future wife to feel valued and embraced by him.

More and more men are facing the problem of pornography. Not just because of the Internet, but because of our society thrusting sex into their faces at every turn.

It is not just us women crying out “foul.” It is a family problem because just like dominoes, the effects of this rampant “use and abuse” of women and their bodies to sell things, impacts each one of us.
What can we do?

I’ve joined (there is also to start fighting the media in what they endorse. I subscribe to “Plugged In” magazine that is sponsored by Focus on the Family to inform me of just what is truly going on in Hollywood. I have made some personal decisions. For the first time ever I am pretty much banning morning radio DJ’s in my car. Not just when my children are present, but for myself as well. I don’t need to hear their demeaning banter. I am monitoring the shows that come into my home. And I have to admit, that some of my favorite shows are starting to cross the line and I am sad to say that I have to abandon them because my family is more important.

We don’t have to sit here and just complain about what is going on. We CAN make waves and start to change the world around us. Maybe you won’t change Hollywood, but you can change your local city by impacting your local movie theater and what movies they show. You CAN impact your local TV station and what shows they air and when. You can change your Library by urging them to get rid of indecent books.

Hopefully, with these waves going on all over, society in general will start to get the message.

We are not just women. We are ladies. Please respect our families; and us and treat us as such.

~ Dionna Sanchez encourages moms to enjoy being the lady that God created them to be while nurturing their families. You can visit the media columns on her website at

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