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Hey all! My name's Sarah, and I'm the tour manager for a rockin' band called The Aires!
On this page I'll share photos of me and my sweet Aussie darling and bodyguard to the band, Karl Urban. Enjoy!

Karl chillin' in front of a movie.
He's asking me to grab him a Foster's from the fridge
(I. HATE. Beer. Blech!).

Karl and I at a party after a show.
We'd just been asked by a reporter about our involvement with each other,
and since our relationship was still fairly new at that point,
we couldn't help that somewhat nervous shared smile, followed by fits of giggles and laughter.
I don't think that reporter ever did get a clear and straight answer out of us...

Karl singing Karoake on two different occasions....
I love his hat in the first one *giggles* He was bein' goofy that night and sang "My Boyfriend's Back."
In the second, he was singing "The One" by Elton John, and even dedicated it to me *smiles*

I snapped this candid pic while Karl was relaxing in the bathtub after a show one night.
I could say something dirty here, but he just looks so peaceful...

A few more candid shots, these are of my first kiss with Karl.
...and I still don't know who in the band snapped these *eyes everyone suspiciously*
Kell has informed me that Lij took these shots, as he did to her and Orli.
I'm starting to think that Karl should confiscate that boy's camera...

More to come soon! Keep checking back!


On Site
About Karl ~ About Me
Halloween Pics

Off Site
The Aires homepage ~ Aires LiveJournal
My LiveJournal
