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(Miranda Otto)


Éowyn was born in TA 2995 to Éomund, chief Marshal of the Mark, and Théodwyn, sister of Théoden King. Éomund died when Éowyn was only 7 years old, and Théodwyn died of grief soon afterwards. King Théoden took in Éowyn and her older brother, Éomer, but Théoden's evil counsellor, Grima Wormtongue, weakened the King and Éowyn was forced to take care of herself. She could ride and fight as well as any man, but the women of Rohan did not go to battles. Éowyn captivated Grima, but she saw him only as a snake with poisonous words. In TA 3019, when Lord Aragorn rode to the capitol of Rohan, Edoras, Éowyn fell in love with him. Aragorn was already betrothed to Arwen, and he saw that Éowyn loved only the shadow of his greatness. She desired to be queen, and since Aragorn was the heir of kings, she wanted to marry him. When Aragorn took the Paths of the Dead and refused to let Éowyn ride with his company, Éowyn disguised herself as a Rider of the Mark and rode with the company of Theoden King to Minas Tirith. She took Merry the hobbit along with her, though he knew not that she was Éowyn (although he realizes who she is in the movie). At the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, Éowyn stood by Théoden when all his guards had fled in terror, and she slew the Witch-king with Merry's help. While fighting the Witch-king, she had fallen under the Black Breath of the Ringwraiths, and almost died, but Aragorn healed her with the help of the plant athelas. After the War of the Ring, Éowyn stayed at the Houses of Healing where Faramir remained. She then fell in love with Faramir and no longer desired to be a queen. Faramir and Éowyn had at least one child, and their grandson, Barahir, wrote "The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen". Éowyn is described as being tall and slender, with hair like a river of gold. Her name means "One who delights in horses" in Old English. Éowyn was 23 years old when Frodo left the Shire.