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(Sean Bean)


Boromir was born in TA 2978 to Denethor and Finduilas. Denethor was of the line of stewards, who were instated when the last king of Gondor disappeared, leaving no heir. Boromir and his brother, Faramir, both had a dream about the fate of Minas Tirith. In the dream they were told to seek for "Imladris", or Rivendell in the common tongue. Denethor chose Boromir to seek for Rivendell, and when Boromir arrived there after a long journey, he was chosen to represent the race of Men in the Fellowship, along with Aragorn. Boromir never truly understood that the Ring could only be used for evil purposes, nor did he acknowledge Aragorn as heir to the throne of Gondor until the very end of his life. Boromir pleaded with Frodo to lend him the Ring, and when Frodo would not, Boromir tried to take it by force. Frodo put on the Ring and disappeared, leaving Boromir to realize what he had said and done. Boromir redeemed himself by trying to defend the hobbits Merry and Pippin, but the Uruk-hai were too many, and Boromir was pierced by many arrows. Merry and Pippin were captured, and Boromir died after telling Aragorn that he had tried to take the Ring from Frodo, and that the orcs had taken the little ones. End Spoiler. Boromir means "Jeweled hand". He was 40 years old when Frodo left the Shire.