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Jay Beck
Saturday, 1 May 2004

Zero Originality Jay: Where the hell are you bringing me to right now? Don’t tell me it’s another stupid function thing or what. Your daddy hates all these craps! Chauffeur: Sir, we’re not going to anymore functions. We’ve been to enough functions this week already. Jay: I’m glad you know that, faggot! Your daddy is sick of all those high class functions. I’m totally sick of all those high class food, professional services and all those top class facilities. Sometimes, your daddy hopes for a quieter life but too bad, your daddy knows he’s too good to be among the poor and the average. Heaven agrees with me too. If Jay Beck doesn’t exist on earth, I couldn’t imagine what the heck this place will look like! Chauffeur: That is very true, sir. You’re the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be! Jay: Oh no, please don’t quote from Bret “Hitman” Hart and use that on me! You’re disgracing me by using Bret Hart’s signature quote on your daddy! That guy is a total flung, faggot! As for your daddy, heaven wouldn’t let me flung even if I beg for it! Why? Simply because heaven thinks if I flung in wrestling, wrestling will never be the same again! Chauffeur: Then what should I say to describe you, sir? Jay: Hmmm … let me think. Well, there are simply no words majestic enough to fit me! I’m too good beyond any word in the world! Chauffeur: We’ve arrived, sir. Jay: Arrived? Where are we now? Chauffeur: We’re in NE:WR Intensity’s arena! Tomorrow is the event and it’s best for sir to be here early! You can get familiarize with the atmosphere in the arena first. After all, this is the very first Intensity and everything here is brand new to you, sir. From the locker rooms to the ring. Everything! Jay: Oh please! Do I need any of those familiarizing? You know what, faggot? My plan is just to come here in haste tomorrow, win my match in a minute and disappear from the arena immediately. I come, I win, I leave. As simple as that but you’re wrecking my organization without telling me, faggot! I want to make a haste entrance plus exit simply because I can’t stand everything here in this very fed! This entire place, from the building to the atmosphere, from the wrestlers to the fans all stink big time! I can’t tolerate all of them, faggot! This place is just too small to contain me. Never mind, your daddy would just bear with it with my utmost determination for the very first Intensity. You can take your leave now. Make sure you reach here after Intensity immediately. If your daddy have to wait for your arrival after Intensity, off you go! Understand? Chauffeur: Yes sir! See you tomorrow. ** Jay Beck have finally arrived in the arena of NE:WR. This is the very first Intensity of the brand new fed and everyone is pumped up for it. Jay Beck walked past several staffs and realized that there are several wrestlers arriving earlier than him already. He wasn’t impressed at all, giving those wrestlers the sarcastic glance. Just then, a man holding a microphone appeared from the corner in front of the self proclaimed Living Legend. Jay Beck cornered a slight smile and quickened his steps towards the man. With force, Jay grabbed the shoulder of the man from the man and swept him around towards himself. He stared coldly into the eyes of the man holding the microphone before snatching the microphone off him rudely. ** Jay: Hey hey hey! Look who we have here with us today! A new lackey of the NE:WR president! What’s your name and what doggy position did that president give you? Towel Boy: Good afternoon. If I’m not wrong, you must be Jay Beck! I’m the Towel Boy, NE:WR interviewer. The other interviewer’s name is Scarlet but I have no idea where she is right now. Jay: I’m asking you for your name. Never mind if you don’t tell me but why are you answering things which I didn’t ask for? Your daddy demands your name right now! Towel Boy: I’ve said it, Jay Beck. I’m Towel Boy! Jay: YOUR DADDY DEMANDS YOUR NAME, NOT YOUR OCCUPATION!!!! ** Jay Beck grabbed the collar of Towel Boy as he screamed into his face. Towel Boy retreats in fear, trembling as he speaks back. ** Towel Boy: My name is Towel Boy, Jay! My name is Towel Boy and my occupation is NE:WR’s Interviewer! ** Jay Beck released his grip and staggered a few steps in mocking laughter. Pointing to the new NE:WR Interviewer in the face, he laughed like a hyena, mocking and teasing the new guy. Jay tried to hold his laughter, giving a hard pat to Towel Boy’s back but still burst out in laughter again. Jay chuckled as he speaks. ** Jay: Tttow …tow … ttow … Towel Boy! Man, what a name, dude! Lame enough for such a person like you! Great, your daddy likes you simply because you know your standard well. Lame people must have lame names, just like you! Alright lamer, step aside. Your daddy needs your microphone just for a moment right now. Go squat down at the corner where you appeared from. Now go! Towel Boy: SQUAT? Please, why can’t I stand here beside you? I’m the interviewer and I have the rights! Jay: I beg your pardon? Look who’s talking about rights and power now … it’s the lamer, Towel Boy! For you information, your daddy speaks and you follow. That’s the basic rule here. If you are going to talk about power to me, then I apologize. Your daddy does not give a damn about who you are and what you do! Your daddy sees, your daddy hates, your daddy thrashes! Now, I’m going on and starting to arrive at the third stage already. Do as I tell you, kid. You still ain’t good enough to share the camera with your daddy! Probably you would in ten years time! Heh heh heh! Now scram! ** Towel Boy scrambled quickly to the corner and squatted stupidly as he was told to do so. Jay Beck laughed at the NE:WR Interviewer loudly before focusing his attention to the camera. ** Jay: Seriously, your daddy has enough of everything even before it started! Bullseye, you really makes me sick! Just by listening to your awful voice and the sight of your freakish face turns me off completely! Says who that your daddy ain’t good in hardcore matches? Says who that your daddy ain’t great in extreme matches? Says who that your daddy ain’t superior in giving you one hell of a thrashing on Intensity tomorrow? You see freako, things are different between you and I. I’m heaven and you’re hell. I’m the saint and you’re the sinner. I’m the king and you’re the follower. I’m the gold and you’re the sh*t!!! Things are so far apart between us and hence, you really can’t put me at your level compare the both of us together. All you’re good at is from what you brag, hardcore matches. Well, good for you on Intensity. What have you got after years of hardcore drillings? Scars and more scars! I’m not surprised at all the scars you have after being stapled all over! People like you suck so much that you have to be stapled in a match successfully! That, for your information, is not something honorable to brag about, freako! All those scars only shows how much you suck, and not how hardcore you were before! Those scars are marks which shows and tells how lowly you have the ability to defend yourself! I fought in many of those matches but look at me, freako! I’m still as perfect as before. No scars no nothing! Why? Simply because my opponents have no chance to hurt me at all! I’m too good to be touched by any of them and that, freako, is the real difference between you and me! Jay: By the way, Freako. Your daddy ain’t impressed by your actions and your way of doing things at all! Please, for goodness sake, have some creativity and originality, will you? Can’t you come out here alone and start something fresh? What can you do other than replying and hitting me back with what I had said earlier? Your daddy did not appear on screen for several days last week and ironically, so do you. But guess what? Once your daddy appears to make some comments about our little match, you hit back almost immediately! What’s your point, baldy? Can you do something better other than reversing whatever that your daddy said? Try harder, freako. Zero originality and zero quality ain’t getting you anywhere! Think about what I’ve said, and reflect! Your daddy can guarantee that moments after this is aired, you’ll hit me back again with what I said about you moments ago! However, your daddy has one piece of good news for you, freako! I know that you’re a stupid brat since young but this problem is going to end very soon because come Intensity, your daddy is going to drill some sense into you by showing you what real wrestling is all about! You should thank your lucky star to be able to step into the same ring and lose to the only perfect man cum living legend cum king of the world, Jay Beck! ** At the corner, Towel Boy gave out a loud cough and moan. Jay Beck stopped and turned to him. ** Jay: What is freaking wrong with you, lamer? Towel Boy: I have a stomachache, Jay Beck! I need to rush to the toilet now! Jay: I beg your pardon? Towel Boy: I NEED TO GO TO THE TOILET RIGHT NOW!!! Jay: Oh my goodness, look who is raising his voice? Is that how you talk to me, Towel guy? Raise your voice even higher and see what you’ll get from your daddy. What is your request again? Towel Boy: Excuse me, Mr Jay Beck, may I go to the toilet? Please. Jay: Sorry, NO!!! Muahaha!!! Continue squatting here, dude! ** Towel Boy could not hold it any longer, leading to him standing up to his feet, rushing towards the toilet. Jay Beck laughed when he stood up and gave a middle kick to the back of the knee of Towel Boy. Towel Boy screamed in pain and fell to his knee. ** Jay: Good! If you can’t squat, kneeling ain’t a bad idea too! WHOO!!! ** Towel Boy crouch his stomach with agony all over his face. Jay Beck laughed and turned to back to the camera. ** Jay: Your daddy has heard of it. The second draw to determine the next two entrants into the World Championship category will be held on Intensity as well! I’m surprised by this, NE:WR! I didn’t know that you people actually have the sense to hold a lottery to determine the next two entrants. Seriously, I would say that a lottery can be excused in this case. There will be no lottery required at all! Your daddy is right here. Being the only perfect man in the world, there ain’t a reason for him not up for the World Championship! Jay Beck is the living legend, the king of the world and no one can actually match up to me right now! Yeah, not a single one in the world, save it here in this stinking little fed, NE:WR! Who is Bruce Lomond? What is Gangsta White? All little ants in the eyes of the living legend! You people cheated me into signing my name to join this lowly fed and I believe I should get some answer back on Intensity! The best way is to give one of the slots for the contender for the World title to your daddy! Your daddy rightfully owns the place in the first place, mind you! ** Jay Beck threw the microphone at the camera. Suddenly, Jay Beck’s expression changed as he covered his nose with both his palm. ** Jay: What is that horrible smell? ** The camera panned around and spotted that the Towel Boy was missing in the corner he was supposed to be. As the camera zoomed in, nothing of him was left except for a puddle of brownish substance on the ground. **

Posted by rings/jaybeck at 3:07 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 1 May 2004 3:21 PM EDT
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