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Please don't take my sunshine away.

No, this isn't my XangaThis is that "thing" I told you about.

This is how this is going to work, Miss King. Since you are being mean to me and not letting me call you in ports, I had to make this for you (I'm just kidding, I know you're not being mean). Now I trust that you will follow the rules, if not, then ummmm I don't know. Just follow the rules! (In a way I feel like telling you to follow the rules is pointless. Haha, I'm just kidding, cutie.) I know this isn't quite as good as actually talking (which isn't NEAR as good as actually seeing you), but it's better than nothing, right? I hope you enjoy this, madam, at least as much as you can.

Now the rules are really quite simple.
1.You only get to go to the link with the same date as the day you view it (i.e. you can only view "December 23" on December 23).
2.The new date starts at 12:00 midnight of that day. No sooner, no later. So, if you want to stay up 'til midnight to read the next day, feel free to.
3. You can go back and view past dates if you feel the need to.
4. If you can't get on the internet one day you may only read one day ahead (i.e. you cannot get on December 25, so on December 24, you can read December 24 and 25, but no further).
5. This isn't really a rule, but oh well. In each day you will find what we SHOULD be doing that day if the schedule hasn't been messed up. You will also find some different pictures of me in each day (in return for the pictures you sent me... Whether you want them or not) and a new song each day. The pictures were good quality, but whoever scanned them for my mom must have had a crappy scanner, 'cause they're not half the quality they were. But oh well, what can you do?
6. If you want to comment on a certain date, you may go to the "guestbook" link that will be provided for you at the bottom of each page.

OK, so now you should proceed to the link with the same date as the actual date.


If the flash buttons do not load, click here for a link list. It may be easier for you to use that page, so that way if you hit the "back" button, you don't have to keep typing your name and hitting "OK" twice. The rules still apply.