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The sixth King of Númenor, and of direct descendant of Elros hence of the legendary lineage of Earendil.

By: Aldoriana

Meneldur (Aldarion’s father) was the son of Tar-Elendil, the fourth King of Númenor. His wife (Aldarion’s mother) was a woman of great beauty; named Almarian She was the daughter of Vëantur, Captain of the King's Ships under Tar-Elendil.

The son of Meneldur and Almarian was born in the year 700 of the Second Age and was named Anardil, but afterwards known among the Kings of Númenor as Tar-Aldarion.

Young Aldarion was much loved by Vëantur, his mother's father, and he dwelt most often in Vëantur's house on the southern side of the firth of Rómenna, where was the chief haven of Númenor, the greatest shipyards, and the most skilled shipwrights. It thus came that from very early age he became enamoured with the Sea, and his mind was turned to the craft of shipbuilding and sea voyaging. Aldarion was 25 years old when he undertook his first voyage to Middle-Eart with his grandfather Vëantur. Of his first journey little is known, save that he made the friendship of Círdan and Gil-galad, and that he journeyed far in Lindon and the west of Eriador, and marvelled at all that he saw.

Aldarion was 40 years of age, when his father, Tar-Meneldur, became the King of Númenor. Then Aldarion restrained his desire for sea-voyaging and exploring, and remained at home for a while for the comfort of his father; and in those days he put to use the knowledge he had gained of Círdan concerning the making of ships, devising much out of his own thought. He began to set men to the improvement of the havens and the quays, for he was ever eager to build greater vessels. He formed the Guild of Venturers – a brotherhood of all the hardiest and most eager mariners of Númenor. Young men sought admission to it even from the inland regions of Númenor, and Aldarion they called the Great Captain.

Aldarion built his first great ship – Eämbar, which became his dwelling place and the Guild house of the Venturers, and there the records of their great voyages were kept. Over the years, the Guild of Venturers grew in number, strength and importance. The ships of the Númenóreans became ever larger and of greater draught in those days, until they could make far voyages, carrying many men and great cargoes. As more timber was needed for the shipbuilding, Aldarion sailed to Middle-Earth, seeking there for a haven for the repair of his ships. And at the mouth of the river that the Númenóreans called Gwathir, River of Shadow, he established Vinyalondë, the New Haven.

Aldarion’s father was not happy with the long absence of his son – the heir to the throne, nor did he understand his son’s ambitions or matters that kept him in Middle-earth. Attempting to keep him closer to the domestic affairs of the kingdom, he proclaimed Aldarion Heir, and gave him the title and power of Lord of the Ships and Havens of Númenor. Aldarion was then 100 years old. This did not stop him from occupying himself with the matters of his Guild, and six years after he has been proclaimed the King’s Heir, he set sail to Middle Earth again. After seven years away from Númenor, Aldarion returned for a short time and was face not only with the wrath of his father, but with the love of Erendis. Erendis was not of the royal line of Elros but the daughter of Beregar of the House of Bëor by ancient descent.

Even after spending much time in the company of the beautiful Lady Erendis, Aldarion betrayed the hopes of his parents for marrying her, and built a new vessel, greater than any had made before. That ship he named Palarran, the Far-Wanderer, and he undertook a new voyage. He still did not feel ready to leave his sea-endeavors for marriage and continued his life as a mariner and explorer, which strongly displeased the Royal family and deeply saddened Erendis.

The King of Númenor decided to interfere and rescinded Aldarion’s authority as Lord of the Ships and Havens of Númenor; and caused the Guild house of the Venturers on Eämbar to be shut, and the shipyards of Rómenna to be closed, and forbade the felling of all trees for shipbuilding. It took more than 50 years for a father and son to reconcile after this act, but eventually peace was made. Aldarion received the pardon of Meneldur, who restored to him the Lordship of the Ships and Havens, and added thereto the title of Master of the Forests.

In the year 858 of the Second Age, Aldarion presented Erendis to Tar-Meneldur as the betrothed of the King's Heir. The King was rejoiced, and there was merrymaking in the city and in all the Isle. In the year 870 Aldarion and Erendis were wedded in Armenelos. Two years later Erendis gave birth to their first and only child, a daughter and they called her Ancalimë. Aldarion kept voyaging to Middle-earth and his matters there kept him away from his family for long periods of time.

Returning from one of his journeys, Aldarion brought a letter from the High Elven King Gil-galad, addressed to Tar-Meneldur. Only then did the King of Númenor learn of his son’s deeds in the past years, and of the great menace rising from the east, threatening the free peoples of Middle-earth. “A new shadow arises in the East. It is no tyranny of evil Men, as your son believes; but a servant of Morgoth is stirring, and evil things wake again. Each year it gains in strength, for most Men are ripe to its purpose. Not far off is the day, I judge, when it will become too great for the Eldar unaided to withstand.” Gil-Galad sought the King’s help. Tar-Meneldur was deeply worried, and decided that Aldarion was to be proclaimed the new King of Númenor.

Meanwhile Erendis, deeply embittered with her unhappy marriage to Aldarion, had left Armenelos, and refused Aldarion’s attempt to bring her and their daughter back. Hurt and desperate, Aldarion announced that he would leave Númenor, taking with him only his rightful heir – his daughter Ancalime. The King however tried to reconcile with Aldarion and he announced to his son his decision to make him the new King. Aldarion became King of Númenor in the year 883.

This did not stop him from re-visiting Middle-earth, for he wanted to continue what he had begun long before. This was most disapproved by the Royal Council of Númenor and he faced being dethroned, which forced him to make an unprecedented decision.

In the year 892, when Ancalimë was nineteen years old, she was proclaimed the King's heir, and at that time Tar-Aldarion caused the law of succession in Númenor to be changed; the eldest child of the King, whether man or woman, should receive the sceptre. It is said specifically that Tar-Aldarion did this for reasons of private concern, rather than policy. Thus, Ancalimë became the first Ruling Queen of Númenor.

Meanwhile, Aldarion's labours in Middle-earth were swept away. The works that he had begun at Vinyalondë were never completed, and the sea gnawed them. Nevertheless he laid the foundation for the achievement of Tar-Minastir long years after, in the first war with Sauron. But for his works, the fleets of Númenor could not have brought their power in time to the right place – as he foresaw. Already the hostility was growing and dark men out of the mountains were thrusting into Enedwaith. But in Aldarion's day the Númenóreans did not yet desire more room, and his Venturers remained a small people, admired but little emulated.

Of the later years of Tar-Aldarion nothing more can be said, save that he seems to have continued his voyages to Middle-earth. His last voyage took place about the end of the first millennium of the Second Age. Tar-Aldairon - the Great Captain and King of Númenor died in 1075.

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