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Gwathwen's Dwelling

Vedui', melyns! Seasa omentien lle. (Greetings, friends. Please meeting you)

My name is Gwathwen Algoriel and I welcome you all to my dwelling. Quel marth(good luck/best wishes) as you venture through my spacious grounds and explore all of the intriguing selections that I have placed here. Please feel free to contact me if you wish to add anything to what I have featured here. Please give me a response also! I'd be happy to hear if you enjoyed your stay in my dwelling. But tira ten' rashwe(Look out/Be careful) for the Orcs and Goblins that lurk to the north! They emerge from the shadows of the mountains, waiting to attack any visitors that visit their grounds. Please take in mind, my warnings.

Aa' menle nauva calen ar'ta hwesta e'ale'quenle!(May the paths be green and the breeze on thy back) Namarie!(Farewell)


Please note that my dwelling is yet underway and will not be fully available for visitors for a few days.

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