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GreenOwlMotherÕs MoonMajik


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Two years ago I began the voyage towards a new understanding in both the mundane world and the magical world. Since that time I have developed a system for myself that is warm and inclusive of the movement of time and space around me and within my environment.

In itÕs purist sense, Moon Majik is a mix of environmental activism, astronomy, psychology and sociology, Picta Witta (Scottish Witchcraft that attunes itself to all aspects of nature: animal, vegetable, and mineral. It is a solitary from of the Craft and mainly magickal in nature with little religion. ) and a dash of common sense.

To get a sense of what I practice, stand outside facing the moon. Clear your mind of all the noise and distractions of the day. Place your arms loose at your sides palms facing the earth. Your stance should be firm and steady, your breath calm, and you neck and shoulders relaxed.

Think about the moon. Look at the moon. Notice her little grooves and bumps and hills and craters. Feel the breeze in your face. Inhale deeply through your mouth and taste the air. Feel the coolness of the night against your palms. Think about what month it is, what day what hour. Do you hear anything? Animals? Birds? People? Cars going by? Planes overhead. Think about a stone being thrown in a lake and the ripples that result. Think about those people in the car that went by or in the plane that flew overhead. Where are they going? Think about the wildlife you hear. What are they doing? Where are they going? Next think about yourself and what you did today. What were you doing? Where were you going? Did you complete what you set out to accomplish today? Do you feel fulfilled by it? Then set out a goal for yourself for tomorrow, itÕs doesnÕt need to e big or extraordinary. Lastly, thank the moon and the earth and the things around you. Thank your deities for the things you have and the love you feel and life you have welling up within you.



The following are listed below :


The thirteen moons of the year. Each is represented by a birth tree. The dates are given as well as a descriptor. There are Celtic Symbols, Moon names, holy days and holidays.


The movements or phases of the Moon, how to recognize them and how to use them to your advantage.


The Moon moving through the zodiac.


Moon Facts both Scientific and historical.


Moon Myths


Contacts and texts that assisted in the development of this webpage.



Birch Moon

BIRCH 24 Dec - 20 Jan

Be close to the birch tree, it will give you strength to cope with life changes. If you were born under the birch moon you are the new broom that sweeps clean. Born at a time when the daylight starts to increase you are good at new beginnings, change is easier for you than for others.


Celtic Symbol: The White Stag. Deities: Venus, Frigga


This slender tree is a bit deceptive. It appears fragile and delicate, yet it is capable of living where "hardier" trees cannot. If you're born under this sign, you, too, may present a rather tender "front" to others, but your inner strength is unwavering, and you'll lend support gladly to others who rely on you. Purity of thought and a knack for realistic evaluation is also associated with this tree sign, since the whiteness of the birch stands out so clearly, in such striking contrast to the foliage that also lives in its native environment. Your quiet determination to succeed by following a reputable path is the stuff that hero/ines are born with.


January Wolf Moon or Hunger Moon


Twelfth Night 5th of January




Rowan Moon

ROWAN 21 Jan - 17 Feb

If you were born under the rowan moon you are at ease with all types of people. You are unprejudiced and love to mix with people regardless of skin color, culture or social strata. You are also eclectic in your taste of food, and with your decorating. Lastly, you have an inner strength and are protective of those around you.


Celtic Symbol: The Green Dragon. Deities: Mercury, Odin, Thor, and Brigantia


Sometimes referred to as "the whispering tree", the rowan tree's magic was well known among the Celts. Its berry is shaped like a five-pointed star, first of all, the symbol of magical protection against spells, enchantments, and glamoures. You, too, are a magical creature, able to use you intuition and higher understanding to both enchant and protect. Trust your insights, and act upon them - even if you're seen as "unusual" or "unpredictable" by others. Your ability to envision the future is priceless.


February Snow Moon or Storm Moon








Ash Moon

ASH 18 Feb - 17 Mar

You have a dual personality, being both artist and critic, but beware that the critic doesn't tell you that your ambitions are merely fancy and daydreams, because you can reach for the sky. The ash moon made you tough. There is resilience about you and you bounce back from every set back undaunted. If you can hold the critic back then this should be the key to your success.


Celtic Symbol: Seahorse or Trident. Deities: Poseidon, Neptune, Odin, and Mercury


The ash tree is famous, although anonymous, since it's the tree from which the Hanged Man is suspended in tarot decks. The roots of the ash penetrate deeply into the earth, and the tree itself is known for its speed of growth. Its energy, then, also builds quickly, but is dispersed just as fast. Born under this sign, you have a "knowing" of the connection between our planet, our universe, and us. You feel the pain and joy of all other creatures, from trees to animals to those humans less fortunate than yourself. This lends compassion to your personality that's incomparable.


March Sap Moon or Worm Moon or Chaste Moon


Spring (Vernal) Equinox 20th of March




Time of Fertility


Mating Season



Alder Moon

ALDER 18 Mar - 14 Apr

The alder makes you a leader. You never go along with the herd or act impulsively. You sit on the fence for as long as it takes to see the big picture and form your own opinions, then lead others to action in defense of what you think is right. You choose your friends carefully and enjoy watching them succeed and grow in inner strength.


Celtic Symbol: Hawk or Pentacle Deities: Bran, Pan, Verdani, Mars, King Arthur


The alder is amazingly resistant to water. As a result, it was often used in construction under water, from bridges to foundations to stilts for homes located close to rivers. This resistance makes the alder a powerful force in psychic battles. If you were born under this sign, you have tremendous courage in the face of obstacles and the power to win in disputes. Watch for a tendency to create wars where there are none, and be careful not to dissipate your strength through engaging in meaningless debate.


April Pink Moon or Seed Moon


Earth Day 22nd of April




Willow Moon

WILLOW 15 Apr - 12 May

If your moon tree is the willow you are pliant and bend to avoid obstacles rather than crashing through them. Because of this you would make an excellent diplomat. The willow is a poet's tree and your eloquence and clarity of thought also lead you in this direction as you fight with words rather than fists.


Celtic Symbol: Sea Serpent Deities: Hecate, Persephone, Kaun Yin, Selene, Diana, Orpheus


The willow seeks out water, and is often found near streams or above natural underground wells. Like no other, this tree is associated with the Moon, in all her phases - and so symbolizes the change of our feelings and "moods" as time passes. Born under the sign of the willow, you are an instinctive creature - in fact, you often react primarily from your "gut response" rather than on intellectual information. Watch the rhythm of your moods carefully and pay attention to your dreams. Their symbolism will help you navigate throughout life.


May Flower Moon or Hare Moon




May Day 1st of May




Hawthorn Moon

HAWTHORN 13 May - 9 Jun

The hawthorn moon makes you a great defender of everyone around you, family, friends and even those you have never met. Also, you are always surrounded by abundance, whether it be material wealth, ideas -- your imagination is fertile, or just the good things in life that are free. It is very hard to dampen your enthusiasm for life, as others will not bring you down.


Celtic Symbol: The Chalice Deities: Vulcan, Thor, Mars, Hera


The hawthorn is a small tree that was often used for hedging, and it has a mixed reputation. Known to be both a sign of fertility and death, it was said to contain the knowledge of both reproduction and transformation. Both of these processes take time - and if you were born under the sign of the hawthorn, you have an innate understanding of both the importance of process and the necessity for change. Your challenge is to use that understanding to guide you when undertaking new starts - don't rush. Wait, and prepare carefully.


June Strawberry Moon or Rose Moon or Dyad Moon (pairing)


ChildrenÕs Day 13th of June


Summer Solstice 21st of June



Oak Moon

OAK 10 Jun - 7 Jul

The oak symbolizes longevity and in terms of your moon this gives you maturity beyond your years. You stand out in a crowd and others, recognizing this will follow you should you choose to take the lead, which you do not always choose to do. You have a warm and friendly nature and show others respect which is returned to you as your due.


Celtic Symbol: White Horse or Golden Wheel Deities: Zeus, Jupiter, Juno


The oak tree endures what other cannot. It remains strong through challenges, and is known for being almost immortal, as is often attested to by its long life and ability to survive fire, lightning strikes, and devastation. If you were born under this sign, you have the strength of character and purpose to endure, too - on matter what your challenges. Direct your energies wisely, make your risks are well calculated, and you'll overcome whatever seemingly "impossible" quests are sent to you.


July Buck Moon or Thunder Moon or Mead Moon




Holly Moon

HOLLY 8 Jul - 4 Aug

If your birth tree is the Holly, then you bring warmth and light into your relationships and lift the spirits of those around you. Although you are the life and soul of the party you have too much depth to be a socialite. You become attached to people and places, so when abroad you think of home with especially strong feelings.


Celtic Symbol: Flaming Spear and The Unicorn Deities: Saturn, Thor, Mars, Hodur


Hollywood was used by the ancients in the construction of spear shafts, and as the spiny leaves show, its well prepared for battle. A symbol of firmness and masculine energy, the holly endows those born under its sign with an equally well-prepared nature. You have a strong connection to the earth, amazing physical strength, and the ability to direct your energy in a balanced even flow. This stability gives you a generosity of spirit ad a very matter-of-fact solidness that others will respect, admire, and rely on. Before you engage in any battle, look inside for understanding and respect for your opponents.


August Sturgeon Moon or Green Corn Moon or Wyrt Moon






Faerie Festival 13th of July




Hazel Moon

HAZEL 5 Aug - 1 Sep

You have an aura of energy about you that attracts others. As a leader you foster change and take the rough with the smooth. In fact, you love life rain or shine and move past obstacles in your life easily using an inner wisdom that you had even as a child.


Celtic Symbol: The Rainbow Salmon. Deities: Mercury, Hermes, Woden, and Aengus


The hazel produces its nuts in fall, after having spent the year building the inner strength to protect them. The shell of this nut is so hard, in fact, and contains its treasure so well, that is was the inspiration for the phrase "in a nutshell." Born under the sign of the hazel tree, you also have an inner treasure to offer - the fruits of you knowledge. Your wisdom and ability to communicate ideas make you capable of transforming the thoughts and opinions of others. Be careful how you wield your word-wizardry.




Vine 2 Sep-29 Sep

If the vine is your moon you love tradition and are happiest returning to places where you had good times in the past. You are sensual in nature and can defend your ideas and ideals passionately. You care about nature and the preservation of the natural world and will risk life and limb in its defense.


Celtic Symbol: The White Swan. Deities: Venus, Branwen, Aphrodite, Apollo, and Osiris


Vines traditionally carry fruit, the most famous of which is the grape, used to make wine, that magical elixir that's known for its ability to dissolve the boundaries between us, allow us to mingle more easily, and relax with others. You, the, are a born socialite, with keen abilities to restore balance to unhappy or unfair situations. Your instinct makes you amazingly perceptive with regard to the motives of others, and your charm is irresistible. Trust this instinct, and form relationships that will last. Don't be afraid to spend some time alone occasionally - sometimes our own company is the best.


September Harvest Moon or Blue Corn Moon or Barley Moon


Autumnal Equinox 23rd of September






Ivy Moon

IVY 30 Sep - 27 Oct

If the ivy is your moon you are steadfast and constant, even-tempered and easy going, even whimsical. You do not take sides in disputes unless you feel a threat to your basic beliefs. Take care not to treat love attachments to lightly, it is easy for you to move on, but if you love long, you will love better.


Celtic Symbol: The Butterfly Deities: Osiris, Dionysus, Bacchus, Persephone


Ivy travels everywhere - it spreads happily and thrives in many places where no other greenery could survive. Its determination to reach through obstacles toward light and nourishment is well known, too. If you were born under this tree sign, your networking abilities will further both your personal goals and the purposes of your "cause" - whatever that might be. It's important that you use this talent to reach out, like the ivy, in a productive way. Don't allow yourself to bind others to you, or to be bound by guilt, worry, or fear of the future.


October Hunter Moon or Blood Moon


Halloween 31st of October




Day of the Dead


Thinning of the Dead


Final Harvest of Meat




Reed Moon

REED 28 Oct - 24 Nov

If you were born under the reed moon then you enjoy making yourself useful to others -- you will often be found organizing charity or other events. You also love to use your hands and have always been good at handicrafts. Others are attracted to you by your artistic, imaginative streak.


Celtic Symbol: The Stone or the White Hound Deities: Pluto, Persephone, Pan, Syrinx, Hermes


The roots of the reed go deeply into the water from which it takes its nourishment. These roots are the strongest part of the reed, in fact Ð so its true strength is doubly hidden, both beneath the water and the floor of the pond or lake where it grows. If you were born under this sign, you, too, have secret strength, and perhaps secret motivations, as well. Your challenge is to use your "detective abilities" wisely, not to undermine others or find their weaknesses, but to evolve into a deeply perceptive individual whose wisdom can be used to teach others.


November Beaver Moon or TrapperÕs Moon



Elder Moon

ELDER 25 Nov - 23 Dec

If the elder is your moon tree you have a fertile imagination. You can make something beautiful out of the rawest of materials, so you always feel wealthy no matter how little you have. Above everything you know that love I free. You are likely to be happiest in a caring profession and make an extremely caring parent.


Celtic Symbol: The Black Horse or the Raven Deities: Venus, Hela, Cerridwen


The elder is a very adaptable tree, quite able to regenerate itself in many ways. It can be rooted from a branch and re-grows limbs quickly, allowing it to recover from damage of both natural and unnatural assailants with equal ease. Born under the elder sign, the, you, too are able to live and prosper under any conditions. You will live many "lives" during your time here, and will carry those memories into every new venture. Think of yourself as a gypsy and a student, collecting experience and knowledge so that you may eventually become a great teacher.


December Cold Moon or Long NightÕs Moon or Oak Moon


Winter Solstice 21st of December






Balance of Light & Dark


Rebirth of the Sun







1st Qtr

Waxing Gibbous


Waning Gibbous

Last Qtr




New Moon is the beginning of a new cycle. Keywords for the New phase are: beginning, birth, emergence, projection, and clarity. It is the time in a cycle that you are stimulated to take a new action. During this phase the new cycle is being seeded by your vision, inner and outer. Engage in physical activity. Spend time alone. VISUALIZE your goals for the 29.6-day cycle ahead.


The New Moon is an excellent time to do magick for new beginnings, or the conception of new projects.


The moon rises at dawn and sets at sunset. For the best use of this energy, magick should be performed between dawn and sunset. This is not to say that you cannot work at night. However, to get the most punch for your magick, choose the correct timing.


The New Moon is a good time to do the things that are also associated with the Waxing Moon, and the New Moon is especially used for personal growth, healing, the blessing of a new project or venture, and more.


It is said that magick performed during the New Moon should come to completion by the first Full Moon after it, and that magick done during the Full Moon may take until the next Full Moon to come to completion. In general, it is stated that a spell and many a magickal working lasts about 30 days, unless you, through your intention and magickal charging, place a different time limit upon it, whether longer or shorter than that.


The new moon lies between the earth and the sun. Because the sunlit side is away from the earth, the new moon is invisible to us.


The first whole day the moon is visible in it's waxing mode towards fullness. A time of renewal and new beginnings. Spells cast during the new moon are often intended to grow to fruition by the full moon.


Crescent phase Keywords for the Crescent phase are: expansion, growth, struggle, and opportunity. It is the time in a cycle that you gather the wisdom learned in the new phase and communicate your intention to move forward. Light a candle. Write or read an affirmation. LISTEN & ABSORB. Commit to your goal.


The moon rises at mid-morning and sets after sunset. The crescent's greatest strength would be at the midpoint. Check an almanac for exact timing.


This phase lasts from 3 1/2 days after the new moon through the seventh day. You can do some minor magick each day to enhance your goals and projects. Things to work for include: Animals, Business, Change, Emotions, and Matriarchal Strength.


Confusingly, however the crescent moon is often called the new moon, too. This second phase is identified with the maiden or virgin. She is described as a young and beautiful woman and is related to the goddess Artemis or Diana.


First Quarter Keywords for the First Quarter phase are: action, expression, and growth, breaking away. It is the time in a cycle to take the initial action necessary to achieve your goal by expressing your needs and desires. FEEL & MOVE. Make phone calls. Write letters. Dance. Act now.


(When the moon is moving from New to Full). This is an appropriate time for spells involving growth, healing or increase.


The moon rises at noon and sets at midnight. Sunset is the primetime for waxing moon magick. Dusk is auspicious for fairies and their energy. Altars devotions and offerings for the fairy folk in return for a favor work especially well during this moon phase.


The Waxing Moon is a good time for attraction magick, especially between the New Moon and First Quarter. The time of the Waxing Moon is also good for magick regarding healing; increase, especially with love, growth of any type, sexual desire, and wealth.


The waxing moon is a time of beginnings and growth. It is traditional to plant herbs when the moon is in the signs of Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio.


Gibbous phase Keywords for the Gibbous phase are: analyze, prepare, and trust. It is the time in a cycle to process the results of the actions taken during the First Quarter. During this phase you are gathering information. Give up making judgments; it will only lead to worry. Your knowledge is incomplete. Laugh. Analyze and filter. LOOK WITHIN.


When more than half of the sunlit side is visible, the moon is Ògibbous.Ó


Waxing: (When the moon is moving from New to Full). This is an appropriate time for spells involving growth, healing or increase.


The moon rises at noon and sets at midnight. Sunset is the primetime for waxing moon magick. Dusk is auspicious for fairies and their energy. Altars devotions and offerings for the fairy folk in return for a favor work especially well during this moon phase.


The Waxing Moon is a good time for attraction magick, especially between the New Moon and First Quarter. The time of the Waxing Moon is also good for magick regarding healing; increase, especially with love, growth of any type, sexual desire, and wealth.


The waxing moon is a time of beginnings and growth. It is traditional to plant herbs when the moon is in the signs of Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio.


As moon moves along its orbit, it appears as a crescent on the right side. As the visible part of the moon grows, it is said to be ÒwaxingÓ. This occurs during the 14 day period from New Moon to Full Moon when the moon is more visible in the sky each night. During the Waxing Moon, cast spells for growth, initiation, and to draw positive things into your life.


Full Moon Keywords for the Full phase are: fulfillment, illumination, realization, and experience. It is the time in a cycle that you are given a clear view so that you can make adjustments to put you back on track to manifesting the goals you set at the new phase. Go to a public place. Do something with a friend. LISTEN.

Receive awareness. Understand others.


Represents culmination, climax, fulfillment, or abundance. This is the high tide of psychic and magickal powers. To work magick during this phase will pack a powerful punch to any working.


The moonrises at sunset and sets at dawn, therefore a midnight working (or when the moon is directly overhead) is best.


It is said the best Full Moon magick can be worked three days before the Full Moon, the day of the Full Moon, and three days after the Full Moon. The time of the Full Moon increases extrasensory perception, and is also a good time to perform lunar (Moon) goddess invocations, fertility rituals, transformations, spirit conjurations, and magick that increase psychic abilities and prophetic dreams. In European folklore and legend, Shape shifting, as in man to animal, or animal to man, was said to happen during the Full Moon. Banishing unwanted influences from your life, divination, protection magick, planning, releasing, and working backwards in time are said to work well during the Full Moon, also.


The full moon symbolizes the mother. From beyond the first quarter the moon is seen as the pregnant woman. Her daily growth to roundness brings her womanhood in full flower, the goddess Selene or Luna. Full moon is a time of power, ripeness, and the honoring of helpers and guides.


Disseminating / Waning Keywords for the Disseminating phase are: demonstration, distribution, sharing and introspection. It is the time in a cycle to further process your advancement toward your goal by looking at the results of your adjusting action taken at the Full phase. During this phase you gain clarity by sharing what you've learned through awareness. Demonstrate your power of abundance by giving back to your community. Visit friends. Distribute your knowledge. SHARE. Reach out and touch someone.


The moon reaches the second quarter of its orbit. The entire daylight side is visible and appears to us as a circle. The Full Moon is the time when waxing lunar energy is at its zenith. Spells appropriate for the Waxing Moon are cast, so long as this is done before the exact time of the Full Moon. Any working that needs extra power, such as help in finding love or healings for serious conditions. Also, love, knowledge, legal undertakings, money and dreams.


The moon rises at mid-evening and sets at mid-morning. The time of souls (3 a.m.) would be the midpoint here. Check planetary correspondences if you aren't inclined to wakefulness in the wee hours of the morning.


The moon is 3 1/2 to 7 days after the full moon. Workings should be focused upon: Addiction, Decisions, Divorce, Emotions, Stress, and Protection.


(When the Moon is moving from Full to New). During a Waning Moon, it is best for workings toward cleansing (yourself or your tools) or completion.


The moon rises at midnight and sets at noon. The moon is 7 to 10 1/2 days after the full moon. Work involves: Addictions, Divorce, Health and Healing (banishing disease), Stress, Protection.


The time of the Waning Moon is the best for magick involving banishing and rejecting things we no longer need to carry around with us, for banning bad habits, negative emotions, diseases and ailments. It's also a good time for magick to remove hexes, end bad relationships, reverse love spells and aphrodisiacs, break addictions, undo negative influences, and decrease fevers and pains.


The waning moon is a time for divination, overcoming obstacles, and relinquishing bad habits or thoughts. Customarily, weeding the garden and plowing are done during this part of the moon cycle.


As the sunlit side of the moon turns away from us, the moon begins to Òwane". Waning Moon energy is used to neutralize or banish negativity, lessen or remove obstacles or illness, and in binding.

The visible portion of the moon dwindles to a crescent and we get ready to start all over again.


Last Quarter Keywords for the Last Quarter phase are: realignment, revision, integration, cleansing. It is the time in a cycle to take closing action, to follow-up and complete the activities begun at the New phase. During this phase you become aware of what is and is not working with respect to the achievement of your goal for the cycle. The movement is toward integration. Open to your success. MANIFEST YOUR GOAL. Be responsible.


Balsamic Moon is the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Keywords for the Balsamic phase are: transition, release, transformation, renewal, and purity. It is the phase in a cycle when you must let go of everything you have been working on that does not deal with current cycle issues. During this phase you reflect on the passing cycle and prepare for the new. Trust in renewal. It is important to separate from others now so that you can clear the intellect of negativity. LET GO. Become still and meditate.


Dark Moon The moon rises at 3:00 a.m. and sets at mid-afternoon. Despite the oddity, around 10:00 a.m. is the strongest pull of the dark moon. Dark Moon is 10 1/2 to 14 days after the full moon. Workings involve: Addictions, Change, Divorce, Enemies, Justice, and Obstacles. Quarrels, Removal, Separation, Stopping Stalkers and Theft.


The three days before the New Moon are often considered to be a time of rest, when no magic is performed. Though, deep meditation and vision questing, when performed at the dark of the moon, is more easily accomplished then, however, not for a particular magickal purpose. Hecate, a Greek goddess of the Underworld, of the crossroads, protection, and who can be associated with the night, rules the time of the dark moon. If her magic were needed, that would be the time to use it.


Moon Void of Course


The rule of thumb is to avoid doing anything important while the moon is void of course. If what you have done during this period works, consider yourself lucky.


Before the moon enters a new sign (Leo, Virgo, Cancer, etc.), there is a sort of dead space. The moon is between the worlds, in a time that is not a time, in a space that is not a space--it is in a celestial void where neither positive nor negative energies behave as they normally do. To make this circumstance more irritating, it never lasts the same length of time. For example it could last only ten minutes, or as much as a day and a half. It isn't a phenomenon you can set your watch by, so you need to check either a planetary Date book or pocket astrologer.


The effects of the void moon vary. Some people manifest scattered energy, or that "I don't feel like myself today" position. Decisions have a habit of bordering on the illogical. Individuals under psychological counseling or drug therapy swing toward the irrational. Of course, those who need counseling and refuse to get it move toward more violent behaviors. The general rule during this time revolves around stuff you shouldn't do:


Don't do magick

Don't make major decisions

Don't make major purchases

Don't begin or complete any magickal operations

Don't make any major repairs


The Dark, or Black, Moon refers to the brief time when the Moon is totally invisible in the night sky. Some say the Dark Moon is the best time for banishing spells; others avoid magick altogether.


The void of course moon is a good time for relaxation and more spiritual pursuits, such as studying or taking a walk in the woods. It is like a cosmic time-out and can be very advantageous if used properly.


A Blue Moon occurs when the moon with its 28 day cycle appears twice within the same calendar month, due to that monthÕs 31 day duration. It is also known as a Goal Moon Ð set long-term goals.



The Moon continuously moves through the Zodiac, from Aries to Pisces. Each sign possesses its own significance:


Aries: Good for starting things but lacks staying power. Things occur rapidly, but quickly pass. People tend to be argumentative and assertive.


Taurus: Things begun now last the longest, tend to increase in value, and become hard to alter. Brings out appreciation for beauty and sensory experience


Gemini: Things begun now are easily changes by outside influences. It is time for shortcuts, communication, games, and fun.


Cancer: Stimulates emotional rapport between people. Pinpoints need, supports growth and nurturance. Tends to domestic concerns.


Leo: Draws emphasis to the self, to central ideas or institutions, away from connections with others and emotional needs. People tend to be melodramatic.


Virgo: Favors accomplishment of details and commands from higher up. Focuses on health, hygiene and daily schedules.


Libra: Favors cooperation, social activities, beautification of surrounding, balance, and partnerships.


Scorpio: Increases awareness of psychic power. Precipitates psychic crises and ends connections thoroughly. People tend to brood and become secretive.


Sagittarius: Encourages flights of imagination and confidence. This is an adventurous, philosophical, and athletic moon sign. Favors expansion and growth.


Capricorn: Develops strong structure. Focus on traditions, responsibilities, and obligations. It is a good time to set boundaries and rules.


Aquarius: Rebellious energy. Time to break habits and make abrupt change. Personal freedom and individuality is the focus.


Pisces: The focus is on dreaming, nostalgia, intuition, and psychic impressions. It is a good time for spiritual or charitable activities.



Moon facts


The Moon moves around the Earth at an average distance of 384,403 km (238,857 mi), and at an average speed of 3,700 km/h (2,300 mph). It completes one revolution in an elliptical orbit about Earth in 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes 11.5 seconds with reference to the stars (see Time). For the Moon to go from one phase to the next similar phase, or one lunar month, requires 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 2.8 seconds. The Moon rotates once on its axis in about the same period of time that elapses for its sidereal period of revolution, accounting for the fact that virtually the same portion of the Moon is always turned toward the Earth. Although the Moon appears bright to the eye, it reflects into space only 7 percent of the light that falls on it. The reflectivity, or albedo, of 0.07 is similar to that of coal dust.


At any one time, an observer can see only 50 percent of the MoonÕs entire surface. However, an additional 9 percent can be seen from time to time around the apparent edge because of the relative motion called libration. This is because of the slightly different angles of view from Earth, due to different relative positions of the Moon along its inclined elliptical orbit.


The Moon shows progressively different phases as it moves along its orbit around Earth. Half the Moon is always in sunlight, just as half Earth has day while the other half has night. The phases of the Moon depend on how much of the sunlit half can be seen at any one time. In the phase called the new moon, the face is completely in shadow. About a week later, the Moon is in first quarter, resembling a luminous half-circle; another week later, the full moon shows its fully lighted surface; a week afterward, in its last quarter, the Moon appears as a half-circle again. The entire cycle is repeated each lunar month. The Moon is full when it is farther away from the Sun than Earth; it is new when it is closer. When it is more than half illuminated, it is said to be in gibbous phase. The Moon is said to be waning when it progresses from full to new, and to be waxing as it proceeds again to full. Temperatures on its surface are extreme, ranging from a maximum of 127¡C (261¡F) at lunar noon to a minimum of -173¡C (-279¡F) just before lunar dawn.


The lunar eclipse


In astronomy, the obscuring of one celestial body by another, particularly that of the sun or a planetary satellite. Two kinds of eclipses involve the earth: those of the moon, or lunar eclipses; and those of the sun, or solar eclipses. A lunar eclipse occurs when the earth is between the sun and the moon and its shadow darkens the moon. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon is between the sun and the earth and its shadow moves across the face of the earth. Transits and occultations are similar astronomical phenomena but are not as spectacular as eclipses because of the small size of these bodies as seen from earth (see Transit).


The earth, lit by the sun, casts a long, conical shadow in space. At any point within that cone the light of the sun is wholly obscured. Surrounding the shadow cone, also called the umbra, is an area of partial shadow called the penumbra. The approximate mean length of the umbra is 1,379,200 km (857,000 mi); at a distance of 384,600 km (239,000 mi), the mean distance of the moon from the earth, it has a diameter of about 9170 km (about 5700 mi).


A total lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes completely into the umbra. If it moves directly through the center, it is obscured for about 2 hours. If it does not pass through the center, the period of totality is less and may last for only an instant if the moon travels through the very edge of the umbra.


A partial lunar eclipse occurs when only a part of the moon enters the umbra and is obscured. The extent of a partial eclipse can range from near totality, when most of the moon is obscured, to a slight or minor eclipse, when only a small portion of the earthÕs shadow is seen on the passing moon. Historically, the view of the earthÕs circular shadow advancing across the face of the moon was the first indication of the shape of the earth.


Before the moon enters the umbra in either total or partial eclipse, it is within the penumbra and the surface becomes visibly darker. The portion that enters the umbra seems almost black, but during a total eclipse, the lunar disk is not completely dark; it is faintly illuminated with a red light refracted by the earthÕs atmosphere, which filters out the blue rays. Occasionally a lunar eclipse occurs when the earth is covered with a heavy layer of clouds that prevent light refraction; the surface of the moon is invisible during totality.















Moon myths


Whether youÕre a hunter, fisherman, trapper, farmer, gardener, or just a nature lover, you can be affected by the moon. And the affect can be a bit different depending on if the moon is new, crescent, harvest, hunterÕs, waning, waxing, or a sparkling bright full moon.


Fishermen sometimes cast their lines according to the phases of the moon; hunters find certain moon times good, others bad; and itÕs always more fun to camp out under a clear, full moon.


Although the moon plays a big part of outdoor life, few know just how much it affects our earth and our outdoor activities. Throughout history the moon has inspired manÕs wonder and challenged his curiosity. Why else would we have sent a man to walk on its surface.


Perhaps more than anything else, the moon has come into play with farmers and gardeners when it is time to plant, cultivate, and harvest plants and crops. Even today many people believe growth patterns are better when planting tasks are performed in the moonÕs proper position -- while others follow planting times according to The FarmerÕs Almanac, which also details phases of the moon.


Early Native Americans believed the position of the moon during the first half of February indicated whether the growing season would be wet or dry. If the horns of the quarter moon pointed downward, the moon was Òemptying its water,Ó and it would be a wet spring and summer. If the horns pointed upward, it indicated just the opposite, and there would be little rain.


Still today many farmers believe the moon controls crop growth. If you want a good above-ground harvest, plant during a full moon. On the other hand, root crops are to be planted during the dark of the moon.


Many farmers maintain that early July is the best time to plant the last crop of corn, because corn planted then will produce ears that reach upward from the stalk in an attempt to reach the full moon. Whereas, if planted during the last half of the month (when the moon is larger), the ears will snug closer to the stalk because they fear late JulyÕs larger moon.


Some old-time gardeners contend that root vegetables taste better if they are harvested in the afternoon. Silly? Well, modern research has shown that the vital life forces of all plants return to the roots during the course of the late afternoon and evening. At daybreak they rise up again to the portion of the plant that is above ground. So, it would seem that picking is best in the afternoon when the life forces are back in the root system.


The moon is also a predictor for cutting wood. During a full moon for example, it has been considered a bad time to cut wood. Instead, to get the more durable wood from deciduous trees (leaf shedding), they should be cut in the winter -- preferably in December -- under the third quarter of the moon.


Throughout history the moon figured prominently in folktales, mythology, and religious rituals. Many early cultures chose to deify the bright light in the night sky. The early Greeks and Romans worshiped Diana or Artemis as the swift and beautiful Goddess of the Moon and the Hunt.


For the Chinese a womanÕs moon face predicated her desirability, while her feet were bound to shape them into moon crescents.


Later the word lunatic came to describe someone who was moon mad as a result of sleeping under the moonlight, or being overexposed to it. Nefarious deeds took place during the dark moon, yet it seems that was the best time to capture a lucky rabbitÕs foot -- even better if you were cross-eyed, caught the critter in a graveyard, and whacked off the left hind foot.


If you chose to look at the moon over your shoulder, or peer up at its halo, you were in for a spat of ill fortune, as you would be if you pointed up at a new moon.


Full moon followers have believed that taking medicines and tonics during this phase was most effective, while others have urged wishing upon seeing a new moon to bring good fortune.


Books have been written about the moonÕs affects on man. Even today psychiatrists and law enforcement officials say that crime increases and the mentally ill become more agitated on nights of the full moon.


So, whatever you do, there is probably some myth, lore, or legend that brings into play the causes and effects of the man in the moon.


The moon is the earthÕs only satellite companion in their annual circuit around the sun. The moon revolves around the earth in an elliptical orbit, making the circuit in 27 days, seven hours, 43 minutes, 11.5 seconds (for those who want to be precise). This is the sidereal month -- the period of revolution around the earth in relation to the stars.


Now to be really confused, if you consider the synodic month -- the period of revolution around the earth in relation to the sun -- then it takes 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes.


During this regular cycle there are four basic phases of the moon (the apparent changes), with any number of variations. The phases are caused by the angles at which the moonÕs lighted surface is seen from the earth, and it gives us a new moon, full moon, and different crescent moons.


A new moon is when it is on line between the sun and the earth, presenting us its dark side and therefore hardly visible. It then passes through its waxing (getting bigger) crescent phase into the first quarter, when it is a right-hand moon. It continues on through its waxing gibbous phase, reaching full moon when it is on the opposite side of the earth from the sun, and fully illuminated. The moon marches on through its waning (getting smaller) gibbous into its last quarter -- when it is a left-handed moon -- and then continues through the waning crescent phase until it is again a new moon.


Itself a dark globe, the varying amounts of light that illuminate the moonÕs surface as its revolutions bring it into different positions with relation to the sun and earth give us changing perceptions.


The phases between the new moon and the first and last quarters are crescent, and the phases between the full moon and the first and last quarters are gibbous. The whole cycle takes place every 28 and a fraction days (the average each month) with all kinds of things happening along the way.


A full moon is looked upon as a climactic period of the month, and is believed to have power over the human body and mind, over the fertility of animals and crops, and, above all, over weather conditions and the tides.


Tide is the alternate rise and fall of the oceanÕs surface. Twice a day it rises (flows) and falls (ebbs), caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun (but the sun having only a third of the moonÕs effect).


When the line of pull of the two is the same (at the time of the new moon and the full moon), the tide rises highest (strongest) and is called a spring tide. The greatest tide in the world is at the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia -- 53 feet. When the two pull in different directions (as in the first and third quarters), the crest of the tide is lowest (weakest), and is known as a neap tide.


At a given time there are two high tides on the earth, on the side facing the moon, and the other on the opposite side, the latter being caused by the greater pull of the moon upon the earth itself than upon the oceans, which are still farther away from the moon.


With the lunar day being about 24 hours and 50 minutes, the interval between high tides is about 12 hours and 25 minutes. High tide does not always occur on a given shore when the moon is directly overhead because there is a lag caused by a variety of irregularities and other factors. Tides rise higher where the water enters a narrow estuary, or when the water volume is added to by other natural occurrences (winds, etc.) The ebb and flow of the tide causes an almost continual motion near shores, termed the tidal current or tidal stream.


The moon also is credited (or blamed) for storms, with the heaviest storms in the calendar month in the northern hemisphere being related to lunar phases. Such storms are more likely to occur from one to three days after a new moon, and from three to five days after a full moon. The beginning of hurricanes in the Caribbean have been similarly related to lunar positions.


The mean (average) distance between the center of the earth and that of the moon is calculated at 238,857 miles -- once a staggering number, but no longer now that man has walked on the moonÕs surface. The moonÕs diameter is 2,160 miles, somewhat more than one-fourth that of the earth. The moonÕs gravity is one-sixth that of the earth, thus making a 180-pound man weighs only 30 pounds when on the surface of the moon.


In a monthÕs time about 59 percent of the moonÕs surface comes into view, with temperatures ranging from +243 degrees F in full sunlight at noon, to -279 degrees F with no sunlight at midnight (although calculations vary). The moon shines only by reflected light from the sun, or from earthshine -- when the unlit portion of the moon facing the earth appears to glow.


An eclipse of the moon occurs when the earth obscures the sunÕs rays from it, passing into such a position that the earthÕs shadow lies upon it, shutting off all light from the sun. A solar eclipse occurs when the new moon takes a position between the sun and the earth, and the moonÕs shadow lies on some part of the earthÕs surface, obscuring the sunÕs light in that region.


So it is any wonder man has been fascinated with the moon. It is mysterious; seemingly with many different powers; and controls not only tides, crop growth, and behavioral cycles, but is that thing in outer space we have romanticized in both poetry and song.







Go to for up to the minute visuals on changing phases of the moon.


Go to for an accurate Lunar Phase calendar. This calendar also shows Lunar and Solar eclipse dates and information.


Go to for Astrological Phases.


Thanks to for their invaluable help.


Please visit .The purpose of this web site is to freely share the knowledge, wisdom and diversity of neo-Pagan concepts with individuals who are interested in spiritual living. We offer some tid-bits and ideas for "how to" improve your own knowledge and awareness, to empower yourself through your own abilities and your own spiritual growth. You will find a wide range of studies in a variety of metaphysical and magikal subjects, such as Anatomy of the Soul, Karma, Kundilini, Meditation, Psychic Development, Psychic Tools and Divination, Holistic Healing, Reiki, Witchcraft, Celtic Shamanism, Wiccan, Norse and Celtic Traditions, as well as, basic pagan principles and belief.


Go to for information on the Phases of the Moon.


Celtic Moon Signs by Kim Rogers-Gallagher Llewellyn's Witches' Date book 2000


Birth Trees taken from Cactus CardinalÕs post from 25th of November


Moon Names taken from Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia


The Moon is Sign found in LlewellynÕs Magical Almanac2002


Encarta Resources 2000


The Man In The Moon -Facts and Myths

By Tom & JoAnne OÕToole

Stress Free Living Magazine