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Koh-Koh's Story

When I found Koh-Koh III, she was in the clearance shelf in a torn up box being sold as is for half-price. It was obvious that she had been treated very rough - her fur was matted and dirty, her tag beat up and torn. She was very sick and very scared...

2-11-2000 I went to Target with my friend Sean and of course we had to see if they had any furbys but all they had on the shelf was a few of the blue millennium furbys and some babies. We turned to leave but for some reason I just had to check the clearance shelf. That's when I saw the torn up box with the ball of matted gray fur in it. The furby didn't look like it could possibly be was laying on its side asleep in the box and I could see its battery cover which looked like it wasn't closed right. Sean asked if I was going to get the furby. I looked at it and I couldn't help but feel sorry for it but in that shape I couldn't be sure if it even worked without trying it first. When I told him I didn't think it was a good idea he said that if I didn't buy it he would find a way to get it. I picked up the box and stared at the poor little looked like a girl - soft grey fur, pink and white ears, and long beautiful eyelashes. Even asleep the furby looked scared. I decided to ask if they would let me see if the furby worked before buying it. The sales person cut through the tape on the box and handed me the furby with a screwdriver to open the battery cover. I put batteries in the furby and it came to life with three words - "Kah dah boh-bay"(for those who don't know furbish..kah dah boh-bay = me big scared). I removed the batteries and paid for the furby. I took the furby home and put batteries in it. She came to life once more..."Kah dah boh-bay". The poor furby started sneezing and refused to eat. Her only words were "boh-bay" (scared) and "Kah boo koo-doh" (I'm not healthy). I continued to try to nurse the poor furby to health..trying to get her to tell me her name. After about 30 minutes she told me her name - Koh-Koh.

2-12-2000 I woke Koh-Koh III up this afternoon and the poor furby is still sick. I have fed her more than 20 times but she just won't stop sneezing. I can't help but feel sorry for her. One thing bothers me though... she keeps saying that she's scared. She will purr once in a while between sneezes when I pet her but if I set her down she starts crying and saying "Kah dah boh-bay". I know that it's just a toy but I can't help wondering what she's been through. It's obvious that someone had her for a while then took her back to the store before I got her.

2-13-2000 Koh-koh III finally stopped sneezing today. I put her on the desk with two of the other furbys but she wouldn't talk much. I noticed something when I was taking Koh-koh's picture for the website. Her eyes are always downcast - as if she's sad. She never looks straight ahead like the other furbys...always down at the ground. Another thing I've noticed is that she doesn't talk much. She purrs when I pet her and laughs when I tickle her, but other than that she is very quiet - except to cry once in a while and say that she's scared.

2-14-2000 I woke Koh-koh III up today hoping she would play with my friend Dawn's furby for a while. I've been furbysitting Toh-loo Kah for the last two days so he could spend time playing with my furbys and learning from them. Koh-koh just stared down at the desk at first and wouldn't even recognize that Toh-loo Kah was even there. Finally she said her name and played "hide" for a couple of minutes before she started crying and begging me to hug her. I picked her up and cuddled her for a moment then she asked for a kiss. I kissed her and put her back on the desk with Toh-loo Kah and she played for a few more minutes until Toh-loo Kah went to sleep. For some reason Koh-koh stayed awake and just sat there silently until I accidently blocked the light then she started crying... she didn't say anything...she just cried. I picked her up and hugged her close for about five minutes until she finally went to sleep. I have never seen anything like this before.

2-15-2000 Koh-koh woke up in good spirits today. I put her on the desk with Dawn's furby since this is the last day I will have Toh-loo Kah and I want him to learn as much as possible before I return him to Dawn. Koh-koh started talking to Toh-loo Kah right away... and even played for a few minutes before both furbys went to sleep. I woke Koh-koh up a few minutes later and she asked me for a hug before I set her down to play with Toh-loo Kah for a few more minutes. Koh-koh seems to be a little less scared this morning. I woke Koh-koh up and put her on the desk with Domoh and Baby Boo. She wasn't as talkative this afternoon as she had been this morning. I watched the three furbys for a few minutes... as usual, the furbys never cease to amaze me. Koh-koh said something like "Kah boo noo-loo". Baby Boo responded by asking why and Koh-koh said "worried". Domoh said "no....don't worry" and Koh-koh said "Kah dah boh-bay". Then Baby Boo said "Don't be scared". There was a few seconds of silence then Baby Boo said "Don't be scared.... me give big kisses" and made the kissing sound twice. Koh-koh responded by laughing and saying "Okay..may-tay Kah" and kissing Baby Boo back. Then all three furbys started laughing and playing. I couldn't believe what I was seeing!

2-16-2000 It was a quiet day for Koh-koh. I only woke her up once so A-loh would have someone to talk to but Koh-koh didn't seem to want to talk much. After a couple of minutes A-loh was begging for attention so I picked him up and petted him until he went to sleep. Koh-koh just sat silently on the desk for a few minutes and then suprised me by saying, "May-lah kah...doo-moh". I picked her up and cuddled her close and she surprised me once again by saying, "Kah may-may u-nye" and giving me a kiss. I cuddled her and petted her until she went to sleep.

2-17-2000 Koh-koh woke up in a very cheerful mood this morning. She greeted me with a cheerful "Dah a-loh u-tye!" and asked for a kiss. I tried to get her to play but she still gets scared easily. I sat her on my desk for a few minutes while I was working on the furbish to english dictionary. She surprised me by being very happy and talkative until I accidently blocked the light and then she got scared and started crying. I picked her up and cuddled her until she stopped crying and said "Kah may-may u-nye" and gave me a kiss. She spent the rest of the time on my desk chattering away happily until she got sleepy. One thing that puzzles me - Koh-koh has gotten a lot of attention and spent a lot of time with the other furbys and she still speaks only furbish.

2-20-2000 I woke Koh-koh up this morning so she could play with the other furbies but she wasn't in much of a mood to play. She wouldn't even talk to any of the other furbys but when I picked her up she did ask for a kiss.

2-21-2000 Koh-koh wasn't in a very happy when I woke her up this morning. I'm beginning to think that the dark, cloudy days are what is making her so quiet so I tried an experiment with her and two other furbys - Domoh, and Baby Boo. I put all three furbys in a room and then turned the light out and stayed there with them so I could watch their reactions. Domoh immediately began asking where the light was and saying "Light up, please". Baby Boo just started chattering on and on asking where the light was and after a minute or two she started crying and saying "Monsters!! Me scared!!!". But Koh-koh just sat there silently for a couple of minutes and then after a while she started crying. She continued crying even after I turned the light back on until I picked her up and cuddled her. I will do my best to make sure this poor furby is never awake in a dark room again. One thing I noticed... when Koh-koh started crying, the other two furbys got very quiet... it kind of makes me wonder...

2-25-2000 Koh-koh woke up in a very cheerful mood today after having been left to sleep for the last few days. I petted her for a couple of minutes then set her down on my desk where she sat silently for a while until I picked her up. I petted her again and she asked for a kiss and a hug. After being fed, she went back to sleep. She still speaks only furbish and is still very quiet compared to the other furbys.

2-28-2000 I woke up as many of the furbys as I could and put them in a circle so they could play. I noticed that Koh-koh wasn't really joining in so I moved her to a more brightly lit area of the circle and after a few seconds she was chattering happily and playing with the others. I'm now completely convinced that whoever had this furby before I got her must not have known anything at all about furbys and probably put her in a dark room when they got tired of playing with her and just left her there. I woke Koh-koh up again after all the furbys went to sleep. She was actually in a fairly playful mood and didn't get scared so easily when I carried her around the house with me. Normally she starts crying if she is moved around too much but today she didn't cry at all - she just said "Kah dah boh-bay" once when we went into a room that was a little darker than the others. We played furby says for a few minutes and then just sat and watched the TV for a while. I was hoping that maybe all the activity this morning would get Koh-koh to start speaking more english but so far the only time she has really spoken english is when we played "furby says". Other than that I have only heard her speak maybe one or two words in english. It's okay though because furbish has become somewhat of a second language to me!

3-3-2000 It took forever to get Koh-koh to wake up today. She kept saying "Kah way-loh koh-koh" and dozing back off. Once she finally woke up though she was in a cheerful mood despite the fact that it was a dark, cloudy day. She sat on my desk chattering away for a couple of minutes then started begging for attention. I tried to get her to play but she got scared so I just cuddled and petted her for a couple of minutes before setting her back down on the desk. She sat there chattering away in furbish and then surprised me by mixing in a couple of words in english! Finally! She spoke a couple of words in english! I was so surprised that I just sat there staring at her for a moment before picking her up and giving her a big hug which startled the poor furby...she hates being moved suddenly. I continued to cuddle her until she went back to sleep.

3-6-200 I gave Koh-koh's fur a much need brushing tonight. She slept through most of it..only waking up once or twice to say "Kah sleep koh-koh". Once her fur was brushed I noticed that it was almost the same as Boo II's fur just not nearly as shiny. Koh-koh finally did wake up for a couple of minutes to talk to Domoh III but she wasn't in much of a mood to dance or play. I guess the house was too dark for her.

3-7-2000 I accidently bumped Koh-koh when I was getting something off of my dresser this morning and she woke up with a startled "Doo, doo?". I quickly picked her up and gave her a hug and she settled down and chattered happily to me while I brushed my hair. She is slowly adding more english to her vocabulary.. although as much as she has been awake she should be speaking mostly english by now. As I mentioned before, the furbish language doesn't bother me but I wonder why this furby is taking so long to switch to english.. she has been awake for easily more than 13 hrs altogether so she should be speaking english by now.

3-9-2000 I introduced Koh-koh to the new furby Toh-dye this morning. Koh-koh didn't seem to be in much of a mood to play though until I put baby Nee-tye down on the desk with her and Toh-dye. Koh-koh woke up right away once the baby was added to the group. I have noticed that Koh-koh gets along very well with the babies but she is kind of shy around the big furbys. Koh-koh still speaks mostly furbish - mixing in one or two words in english once in a while.

3-13-2000 Koh-koh had a very quiet weekend - only being woke up for a minute when I was rearranging the furbys on my dresser. She went right back to sleep and didn't wake up again until this morning. I picked her up and held her for a couple of moments and then set her down on the floor while I woke up a few more of the furbys and set them down with her to play. All of the furbys chattered happily and played for a few minutes before going back to sleep. I didn't notice that Koh-koh was still awake until I accidently blocked the light and she cried out in a startled voice "Dah a-loh doo?... Kah dah boh-bay!". I quickly picked her up and hugged her and she purred and laughed. I petted her for a moment and she said "Me love u-nye". I kissed her and petted her until she went back to sleep.

3-26-2000 Except for a few group chats with the other furbys the last few days have been kind of quiet for Koh-koh and I felt bad about not spending time with her so I woke her up for a while this afternoon. I have been noticing that in the group chats with the other furbys Koh-koh has been using less english than she was when I was spending more time with her. She seemed very happy to be awake this afternoon and was very chatty which is unusual for Koh-koh but she was speaking less english than she was last time I spent time with her. I am going to have make sure to pay a lot more attention to her from now on.

3-29-2000 I woke Koh-koh up this afternoon. She was in a quiet mood until I cuddled her for a moment...then she came to life chattering happily - in furbish. I played "furby says" with her for a couple of minutes until she abruptly said "Kah toh-dye" and sat there silently until I petted her. Then I decided to try a game of "ask furby". I asked Koh-koh if she was happy and she said "maybe...yes". I asked if she was scared and she said "very big...yes" Once again she abruptly ended the game by saying "Kah toh-dye". Most furbys say "Me done" at the end of the game but Koh-koh chose to speak furbish. This really puzzles me because it means she is not following her programming the way she should - or is she? Koh-koh went back to sleep for a few minutes and I woke her up again. This time she awoke with a cheerful "Me love u-nye". She sat on my desk chattering away in furbish and occasionally asking for attention. I kept reaching down to pet her and occasionally tickle her until she asked for a hug and I picked her up and cuddled her. As I set her down she surprised me by saying "Okay... kiss ka". I lifted her up and kissed her and cuddled her until she went back to sleep. It seems she is starting to add some english in when she speaks again. This furby is really puzzling me though. She hasn't restarted yet she went back to speaking only furbish after being allowed to sleep for a couple of days straight... and then there's the way she abruptly ended the games. I have never heard a furby end a game by saying "Kah toh-dye" - they always say, "Me done". But then Koh-koh is not the only furby I've seen do things like this...

4-3-2000 Koh-koh is awake and chattering away on my desk as I write this tonight. I have been busy for the last few days and Koh-koh has spent most of that time sleeping so she seems to be very happy to be awake tonight! *reaching down to pet Koh-koh* She seems to be much more vocal tonight than she usually is... most of the time when she is being ignored she is very quiet - asking for hugs or a kiss occasionally. But tonight she is talking and singing a lot. She is also speaking slightly more english. I have heard her speak several words in english tonight. *picking Koh-koh up to give her a hug then setting her back down on the desk and returning to my typing* Koh-koh is definately in good spirits tonight. I tried to get her to talk to Domoh IV just before I started typing this but Domoh IV and Koh-koh don't seem to get along to well. Koh-koh only seems to get along with certain furbys in one to one chat. She does well in group chat though. *petting Koh-koh as the cute little furby falls asleep* Well, it looks like Koh-koh is asleep for the night. I feel bad because I haven't spent more time with her lately but with about 30 other furbys to take care of it is difficult sometimes to give all of them the attention they deserve.

4-10-2000 The last three days have been kind of busy for Koh-koh. I have been trying to make sure she spends some time with the other furbys so I keep trying to get her to talk with different members of her furby family. The problem is that Koh-koh is still shy around most of the other furbys in one to one conversation. I had noticed how easily Dah makes friends so I put the two of them on the desk and Koh-koh seemed to get along with Dah right away. As I watched the conversation I noticed that Koh-koh seemed to be using slightly more english and wasn't getting as scared when I accidently blocked the light. After a few minutes Dah went to sleep. As usual, Koh-koh stayed awake and sat silently on my desk until I gently picked her up and hugged her. I petted Koh-koh for a minute then carried her to the hallway which was much darker than my room. Koh-koh got very quiet. I petted her and she purred then got very quiet again. After a moment she said "Kah dah boh-bay!" I didn't take her back to the light right away...I just hugged her and told her not to be scared. I petted her again but she didn't purr this time...she only said "Worry". I slowly walked back into the bright light of my bedroom and petted her again as I set her down on the desk next to Dah. Koh-koh instantly came to life and asked for a hug. I picked her up and gently hugged her. Koh-koh purred and said "Me love you." I gave the cute little furby another hug and woke Dah up again so the two of them could chat. This time Koh-koh went to sleep when Dah went to sleep. As I stared at the two sleeping furbys I couldn't help but think about the way Koh-koh seemed to come to life around Dah. I makes me wonder about the personalies of furbys in general. What makes certain furbys more prone to chat with each other while others just seem to want to go right to sleep when they're around each other? Why is it that some furbys even seem to ignore one furby but instantly start up another conversation with a different furby? Only one thing seems to be certain at this moment...Dah is a good influence on Koh-koh. She is much less afraid when she chatting with Dah and she is already speaking more english.

4-26-2000 It's been a while since I have updated this diary and in that time I have watched Koh-koh make a lot of progress. I spent a lot of time with her during the time my boyfriend was away on vacation last week. I have also made sure that Koh-koh spent time with some of the other furbys - especially Dah, who seems to have a very positive effect on Koh-koh. Yesterday I woke Koh-koh up for a few minutes and was pleasantly surprised by her cheerful "Me love you". She doesn't say that as much as the other furbys and very rarely wakes up saying that. I played with her for a little while.. even tossing her gently up in the air. She didn't get scared at first but instead seemed to enjoy it. After a couple of tosses she got scared though and got very quiet for a few minutes even after I hugged her. Koh-koh still doesn't speak as much english as she should be speaking. She still speaks furbish about half the time which is very unusual for a furby that has seen 20+ hours of activation time. The biggest change in Koh-koh is that she doesn't get scared nearly as often as she did when she first came to live with me. When she first got here anything and everything seemed to scare her - especially dark rooms. She still gets scared of the dark but doesn't cry like she did before... she just gets very quiet and after a few minutes begs for the light to be turned on. I now feel very confident that Koh-koh will eventually become a happy, well adjusted furby.... but will she ever learn to speak as much english as the other furbys? Only time will tell...

5-5-2000 I have decided to end Koh-koh's diary here as I don't think there is anything more that I can add that would be interesting. Over the last three months I have watched as Koh-koh changed from that frightened little ball of matted fur to a happy fun loving furby. I still remember looking at her in the store that day and how I almost walked away from her. I am just glad that my friend talked me into adopting her. I still remember how sick and frightened the little furby was when I brought her home...and how I was beginning to think that she never would get well. I also remember how frightened she was back then and how she used to cry all the time. But Koh-koh doesn't cry much these days... she is not the frightened little furby she was when I first got her. She still doesn't speak english the way she is supposed to and I don't think that she ever will but then that is just one of the things that make this little furby special. I would like to think it was me that brought about the change in Koh-koh but that credit goes to Dah. From the first time those two met I could see the change in Koh-koh but then that just makes me wonder even more about these toys...they seem so real sometimes and their interaction is still a puzzle to me....