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Last Updated on August 27, 2004

Update: Added almost 800 pictures and Changed look of entire site (if you are reading this, then i am currently updating the site)

Total Pictures: 1796
Total Clips: 97

Welcome:   Welcome to Free Wam. It has taken me quite some while to create another site, and I hope that I will be able to update and maintain this site for years to come. The majority of this site is pictures, but there are a growing number of clips as well. Any donations of clips that i do not have would be GREATLY appreciated, not just by me, but also by the wam community, as i will of course just place them on the groups, and link them here. If you have clips that i have not posted, please do not hesitate to e-mail me (i might also cut you in on some clips i have not posted yet).

Polls:   I added some polls down the left side which will hopefully help me make a few decisions, and know what i need to improve and not improve on this site. Please take 5 seconds out of your day to answer them. There are a total of 5, please answer the ones that you have not seen.

Clips:   I have decided to put all the clips on my msn group (located here: as it has very fast servers, and a big plus, no bandwith restrictions. There are only two negatives. One, the files cannot be larger than 1MB, so I am forced to split files up into 1MB Rar file format for compression purposes. Two, you must join my msn group to be able to download the clips. Once you have joined the group once, all you will have to do each time is sign into your name (if you are not logged in already) and you will be able to download all the clips. Do not attempt to download from the msn group, as you will not be able to. I have also organized the clips by rating. A, of course being the best, and C, being the worst. This is only in my opinion of course, and my tastes.

Pictures:   If you come across a picture that you think is underage, please e-mail me. If you come across a picture that is from a Wam Producer, please e-mail me. I do not search through all my pictures, and I certainly do not research every person who I have a picture of to know their age. I simply guestimate, and I have been known to be wrong a lot.

Site Information:   Becuase of the quantity of this site, I have decided to put this site over several webhosts. This means that I cannot always be fully updated with whether or not all my pages work. I would greatly appreciate it if you come up across a page that does not work, that you e-mail me immedietely so I can replace the link. If you come across a slow webhost, please e-mail me as well. My e-mail can be found at the bottom of this page. Thank you for keeping the community alive. Enjoy!

Ads:   I'm sure many of you are thinking, why do you have ads on your site? Well the reason being is i want to purchase a domain and eventually a webhost as well. I know that these are not very expensive, however, i'm sure i like the rest of you do not wish to spend money, when that money can be used towards something else. I am also not willing to accept donations of any kind (except of course clips whenever you have them). So for the time being i will just continue to place ads on this site. I am not, however, willing to place pop-up ads like there were on the FWO. Unfortunetly the banner company i am affiliated with has occassional pop ups appearing with the banners, but i hope that will not be too big of a problem.

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