The Forging of the Fellowship

Well hello there. You may have guessed from the title that we are, indeed, members of an elusive (and, may I add, exclusive) group called the Fellowship Of The Arse. No, honestly you do not need to fear us - Although we do freely admit that the name may put the fear of god into people; We assure you that we are classed as sane under the legal definition ~ damn Lawyers [Ed.] 

Our group sprung up from a mutual love of the ‘Lord of the Rings’ movies and the great man himself, Peter Jackson - and of course, the epic novel on which the movie trilogy is based. As well of this we are all huge fans of different actors involved. This is partly due to their amazing acting; and their bringing our much-loved characters to life, partly due to (what we know of) their personalities, and well, it’s also because they’re just too bloody gorgeous for words (Hence, the ‘Arse’ reference).

This is what brought our group together. Since this time we have become firm friends, and we would like to take you on a little journey. We will introduce ourselves, our favourite actors/characters and show you why we love Lord of the Rings so much.

All the reasons why we have developed into the phenomenon that is “The Fellowship of the Arse”


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